The author(s) of these games are unknown. If you have information about the author of a game which is listed here as "Anonymous", please contact us. Thanks!
Games developed and/or published by Anonymous / Unknown
Bubble Crack (1996)
Clueless Chess (1996)
Clown (1993)
Super Trix (1993)
Killer Bees (1992)
Z-Tech ANSI Man (1992)
ABM (1990)
Visual Star Trek (1990)
Plebs (Ascii) (1989)
Cindy's Lemonade Stand (1988)
Demon (1988)
Pusher (1987)
Battlezone Tank Game (1986)
Dedale (1986)
Moon Lander (1986)
PC Golf (1985)
Turbo-Bridge (1985)
David's Kong (1984)
Pitfall (1984)