Here is a list of all of the authors (developers and publishers) with at least one game listed on!

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
D'India Software
D. F. Shapovalov
Damian Gareth Walker
Dan Baker
Dan Burke
Dan Lester
Dan Rollins
Dan Vancina
Dan's Software
Daniel A. Sill
Daniel Lawrence
Daniel Linton Jr
Daniel Monteiro
Daniel Remar
Daniel Singer
Dario Robak
Dark Knight Software
DarkDreams Software
Darkness Ethereal
Darol E. Johnson
Darren Grey
Darren Heaton
Darren Johnson
Data East
Data Sage
Data Wave Software
Dataware (Texas)
Dave Ashley
Dave Baskin
Dave Dobson
Dave Lemaire
Dave Roberts
Dave Sharpless
David A. Capello
David and Benjamin Ibach
David Bollinger
David Burns
David C. Snyder
David Dobson
David Faria
David Fleming
David Hoogvorst
David Howorth
David Jewett
David Karlov
David L Clark
David L. Fallen
David Lee Peterson
David Leithauser
David Pritchard
David R. Malmberg
David Sherohman
David Tretter
David W. Mims
David Wilborn
DAX Software
DB Micro Systems
DC Software
Deep River Publishing
Delphic Oracle Entertainment
Delphine Software
Dem Innovations
Denis Evans
Dennis Drew
Dennis J. Yelton
Dennis M. Straus
Dennis McGrath
Derek Duban
Derek Williams
Designer Software
Destiny Software Productions
Digital Cafe
Digital Dialect
Digital Dreams Multimedia
Digital Extremes
Digital Illusions
Digital Integration
Digital Lobster Company
DIGITAL Nightmares
Digital Workshop Limited
Dimension 16 and MB Soft
Dinamic Software & Zeus Software
Dirk Vander Wilt
Disney Software
Distinctive Software
Diversions Entertainment
DMA Design Limited
Dmitry Pavlovsky
Dodekaedron Software Creations
Dodgy Posse
DOKA Company
Don Berg
Don Christie
Don Herring
Don Kneller
Don Phillip Gibson
Don Williamson
Don Worth
Donald Sinkiewicz
Donald W. Laabs
Dongleware Publishing Inc
Donovan W. Foster
Doug and Larry Murk
Doug Beeferman
Doug Cox
Doug Ross
Dr Dungeon
Dregen Rocks
DRH Services, Inc.
Duncan Gill
Duncan Scott
Dungeon Dwellers Design
Dungeon Entertainment
J. David Hamilton
J. Michael Ambrosio
J. P. Jansen
J/H Enterprises
Jace Masula
Jack in the Box Computing
Jack Thomson
Jake Firth
JAM Productions
James A. Sausville
James Bunting
James Dingle
James Eibisch
James Winquist
James Zeidel
Jamul Software
Jan Cajti Zeithaml
Jan Nyman
Jani Nykänen
Janusz Pelc
Jared Tarbell
Jarek Kolář and Petr Vlček
Jari Huikari
Jari Jääskeläinen
Jari Karjala
Jarrod Davis Software
Jason Bertschi
Jason Ely
Jason M. Heim
Jason Maas
Jason Meehan
Jason Truong
Jay Carson
Jay Kramer
Jazz Software
JDG Simulations Inc
Jean Palmer
Jean-Guy Lavallee
Jeff Anderson
Jeff Bogan
Jeff Carroll
Jeff Harper
Jeff Kintz
Jeff Mather
Jeff Sinasac
Jeffery Blanchard
Jeffrey Fullerton
Jeffrey R. Olson
Jens Hassler
Jere Sanisalo & Eppu Wiik
Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Lamar
Jeremy Pflasterer
Jeremy Thielen
Jeroen Koomen
Jerry Plemons and Brian Shankman
Jester Software
Jetro Lauha
Jim Adwell
Jim Bates
Jim Bodio
Jim Kitchen
Jim Radcliffe
Jim Scarlett
Jim Todd
JME Engineering
Jocke the Beast
Joe Cassavaugh & Malcolm Michael
Joey Cato
Joey Robichaux
John A. Junod
John Augustine
John Buckwalter
John Carmack & Tom Hall
John Dondzila
John Dow
John E. Dell
John E. Pollard & Joe Hillman
John Isidoro
John M. Dow
John Murphy
John Remyn
John Schmitt
John Shramko
John Wilson
Jojo Soft
Jon Cortelyou
Jon Dearden
Jon Walker
Jonas Kukkonen
Jonathan Lexa
Jonathan Sharkey
Jonathan Shekter
Jorgen Fog
Jos Dickmann
Joseph Parnau
Joseph White
Juan J, Martínez
Juan Pablo Peloso
Judah Warshaw
Jukka Jäkälä
Julian Cochran
Jussi Aittoniemi
Jussi Koskela
Just For Me Software
Justin Cassidy
Justin Smith
Justin Somerton
JV Enterprises
M. Brent
M. Sami Gürpınar
M. T. Software
MacroHead & MicroBrain
Mad Data
Mad Genius Software
Mad Genius Software
Maddox Games
Madlab Software
Magic Lemon Software
Magic Wings
Mana Games
Manaccom Pty Ltd.
Manic Media Productions
Marc Schneider Entertainment
Marek Roth
Mark Ambachtsheer
Mark C. Vang
Mark Cassidy
Mark Currie
Mark Davis
Mark Dostie & Bill Middlebrook
Mark Elendt
Mark Geer
Mark Henshaw
Mark L. Bakke
Mark Mackey
Mark Mengelt
Mark Neri
Marko Teittinen
Marshal Linder & Scott Edwards
Martin Binder and Damon Lichtenwalner
Martin Bright
Martin Hayden
Martin J. Fiedler
Martin Kolecek
Martin Paucula
Martin Paucula & Michal Paucula
Martin Sedlák
Masayoshi Ueda
Master Raven
Mateusz Viste
Matija Sikic
Mats Westberg
Matt Bell
Matt Ebel
Matthew Barnes
Matthew Kowalski
Matthew Raftery
Mauritius Software
Maxis Software
MC Publications
Meetul K. Kinarivala
Melbourne House
Menlor Inc.
Merit Software
Merwin Updyke
Metropolis Software
Metropolis Software House
Mettus Graphics
Michael A. Denio
Michael David Weiss
Michael Day
Michael Donat
Michael Fogleman
Michael Haugrud
Michael Heyda
Michael Hughes Software
Michael J. Scavezze
Michael J. Teixeira
Michael O'Brien
Michael Ouye
Michael P Miller & Margaret J Ganzberger
Michael Riedel
Michael S. Hoenie
Michael Taggart
Michael W. Lawrence
Michael Zerbo
Micheal Toy, Glenn Wichman, & Kenneth Arnold
Mickey Crocker
Mickey Productions
MICODE Developments
Micro F/X Software
Microforum International
MicroLeague Interactive Software
MicroTec Consulting
MicroValue Ltd
Midnight Synergy
Midway Games
Mihail Szabolcs
Mike Behrens
Mike Lawrence
Mike Snyder
Mikko Haanperä, Kaj Björklund, Olli Haanperä
Miles Computing
Millenium Media Group
Millennium Group, The
Millennium Media Group
Mindscape Inc
Minimal Enjoyment Games
Mirage Technologies
Mission Studios
MMB Softs
Mojon Twins, The
Monolith Productions
Moonlite Software
Moonlite Software
Moons Vestin
MOPS Computer Systems Inc
Moretech Software
Morse Associates
Motes Educational Software
MPS Labs
MS Software
Murray Brandon
Muse Software
Mute Fantasies
MVP Software
MWD Software
Myrage Imagery
Mythos Games
R. K. West Consulting
R. Salgado
R. Salgado Crew
R.L.B Programs
Rad Delaroderie
RAD Software
Radical Entertainment
Rage Software
Rainer Sinsch
Randy Rasa
Raoul Said
Raphaël Assénat
Raphael Salgado
Rasputin Software
Raven Software Corporation
Raw Entertainment, Inc
Ray Jensen
Raymond F. Genovese
Raymond M. Buti
Raymond T. Albert
Realism Entertainment
Reality Studios
RealTech VR
ReaperWare Enterprises
Recreational Software Designs
Redwood Games
Reflections Interactive
Regis Locas
Reinier van Grieken
Remco de Korte
Remdy Software
Renegade Software
Rensoft Software
Results Oriented
Retsel Enterprises
Revolution Software
Rexxcom Systems
Rhadamés Carmona
Rhett Anderson
Rich Frank
Richard Addison
Richard Brown
Richard Eric M. Lope
Richard G. Nikula
Richard Gardner
Richard Jordan
Richard L. Wright
Richard Olsen
Richard Spezzano
Richard Tur
Richard Vannoy
Rick Brewster
Rick Dean
Rick Nowalk
Rick Sullivan
Rickers Software
Right Brothers, The
Riku Jarvensivu
Riley Computer Services
Rinzai Satori
RKDO Graphics
Robert Alan Koeneke
Robert B. Easter
Robert Burke
Robert J. Tiess
Robert Kemmetmueller
Robert M. Hirbernik
Robin Burrows
Robin Eskew
Rockland Software Productions
Rodge Rock Software
Roger D Hamilton
Roger Soft
Rogue Entertainment
Roman Hocke
Ron Dubren Associates
Ron Jennings
Ronald L. Crabb
Ronin Software
Ronny Wester
Rouge Valley Software
Rough House
Rude Dog Software
Runt Time
Russ Merritt
Russell Holloway
Russell J. Yuma
Russell Mueller
Russian Soft
Russian Under Ware Inc
Ryan Gravlin & Jason Ware
Ryan R Robinson
S Software
S&M Software
Saber Software
SAck Enterprizes
Safari Software
Sam Bellotto Jr
Sami Kyöstilä
Sami Tammilehto
Sanborn Software Systems
Sanctuary Software Studio
Sandbird Software
SAV Creation
Scan Software Designs
ScanLine Software
Scenario Software
Schenk & Horn
Schröder BV
Score Games
Scott DeMers
Scott Esker
Scott Litvinoff & Wei Zhong
Scott Powell
Screaming Duck Software
SE Software
Sean Lane Fuller
Sebastiaan Jansen
Senile Team
Sensible Software
Sente Systems Inc
Serendipity Software
Serpent Games
SerpentHead Software
Seymour Shlien
Shannon Larratt
Shareable Software International
Shareware Systems
Sheng-Chung LIU
Sherwood Forest Software
ShipSea Software
Shoestring Software
Sierra On-Line
Sights UnScene
Silas Warner
Silicon & Synapse
Silphid Creations
Silver & Sage Software
Silver Lightning Software
Simo Savolainen
Simon Foster
Simsalabim Software
SimTex Inc
Sir-Tech Software
Six Pound Sledge Studios
Skitso Productions
SKON / VirtualDreams Productions
Sleepless Software
Smoking Car Productions
SoftAd Group, The
Softdisk Publishing
Softgold Computerspiele
SoftLab Laboratories
Softlair Computer Products
Software 32
Software Concepts
Software Creations
Software of Sweden
Software Storm
Software Visions
Soggybread Software
Soleau Software
Sorcerer Productions
Spare Time Software
Spectrum Holobyte
Spectrum Pacific Publishing
Spencer Menlove
SPETER Software
Sphere Inc
SportsWare South
Square Wheel Studios, Inc
Squinky Productions
Stainless Games
Stanley Design Team
Starhill Productions
Stars Dev Company
STD Research
Stefan Heineke & Karsten Finger
Stefan Strack
Stephan Vogler
Stephen L. Parker
Stephen N. Curtis
Stephen Peter
Stephen Walther
Stephen Waschow
Stephen Wood
Steve Blanding
Steve Englestad
Steve Estvanik
Steve Leonard
Steve Petrovits Jr.
Steven D. Jones
Steven Englestad
Steven H Don
Steven Shipway
STONE Interactive Media
Strategic Simulations, Inc
Streetwise Interactive
Stuart Collier
Stuart White and Kevin Prince
Studfarm Studios
Studio Sivers
SUMMIT Software
Sunshower Systems Inc
SuperSet Software Corp
SW Games
Sylvain Quin
Synapse Software
Synthetic Dimensions
System 3 Software Ltd
T. S. Karthik
Taco Bell
Tanstaafl Inc
Tea Time Software
Team 17
Team 200
Team Hoi Games
Ted Gruber Software
TEGL Systems Corporation
Terminal Reality
Tero Viitala & Hari Forsgren
Terry Cavanagh
Terry Washington
Tesseract Software
The Avalon Hill Game Company
The Bit Bucket Brothers
The Bitmap Brothers
The Clusters
The Devteam
The Four Soldiers in White
The Game Factory
The Great Canadian Computer Company
The Hacker Group
The Mad Doctor
The Mental Crew
The Obsessed Maniacs
The Pixel Team
The Sales Curve
The Software Doctors
The Three Relaxed Byte-Biters
The Toxic Dream
Theron Wierenga
Thiago Marques
Think!Ware Development
Thinking Machine Associates
Third Party Software
Thomas Biskup
Thomas G. Hanlin III
Thomas G. Ore & Jim L. Wargula
Thomas Perl
Thomas Scheiffele
Thomasz Pytel
Thorsoft of Letchworth
Thunderbear Software Creations
Thunderhead Software
Tim & Kenneth Wisseman
Tim McClarren
Tim Miranda
Tim Truman
Timber Valley Software
Timm Hop
Timo Gronwald
Timo Kauppinen
Timothy C Stoehr & the Regents of the University of California
Timothy C. Benner
Titan Interactive Systems
Titus Interactive
TLK Games
TMB Productions
Toady One Productions
Tom 'voxel' Purnell
Tom Bombadil's Software Emporium & House of Curiosities
Tom Darby & Chuck Lantz
Tom Fresen
Tom Niwinski
Tom Poindexter
TOM Productions
Tom Proudfoot
Tom Scheffler
Tom Sherwood
Tommy's Toys
Toni Svenström
Top Gun Software
Tore Bastiansen
Toren K. Smith
Toys for Bob
Transend Services
Treyfort Productions
Tri-Cat Software
Trinh Nguyen
Triple-U Software
Troy Conly
True Emotions Software
Twilight Zone Software
Two Nice Guys, The
TypingMaster Inc
T^3 Software
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