Search found 8 matches

by nitrofurano
Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:12 am
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: looking for japanese games for DOS
Replies: 1
Views: 4646

looking for japanese games for DOS

besides Thexder, Silpheed, Volfied and A-Train, which japanese games for DOS do you reccomend?
by nitrofurano
Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:15 pm
Forum: Game Creation
Topic: new DOS game made on FreeBasic
Replies: 8
Views: 19912

i'm falling here - - is it mirrored somewhere? :(
by nitrofurano
Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:01 pm
Forum: Game Creation
Topic: new DOS game made on FreeBasic
Replies: 8
Views: 19912

dosraider wrote:
nitrofurano wrote: where from i download it?
From :)
i tried, and found nothing!
direct link please! :) thanks!
by nitrofurano
Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:54 am
Forum: Game Creation
Topic: new DOS game made on FreeBasic
Replies: 8
Views: 19912

Gonna give it a try later ...... later ...... BTW, you're not very innovative, are you? But that's how to learn coding I guess. It were based on a type-in game for zx-spectrum made 30 years ago. yes, it's my very first approach on DOS game development, and on FreeBasic development as well - i hope ...
by nitrofurano
Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:20 pm
Forum: Game Creation
Topic: new DOS game made on FreeBasic
Replies: 8
Views: 19912

new DOS game made on FreeBasic

I uploaded now a game to - soon i hope it will appear there The downloadable file is at It were based on a type-in game for zx-spectrum made 30 years ago. It was compiled and tested on DosBox I used ...
by nitrofurano
Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:13 am
Forum: Game Creation
Topic: So you want to program DOS games? Steps inside...
Replies: 22
Views: 123133

And if you want to mess around, there's always qbasic for beginners. qbasic? i started to do something on FreeBasic instead, like this: btw, FreeBasic seems to be an awesome tool for newbies (like me) trying to code some stuff on DOS - th...
by nitrofurano
Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:10 pm
Forum: Game Creation
Topic: DOS games made on FreeBasic, which ones you reccomend?
Replies: 1
Views: 6767

DOS games made on FreeBasic, which ones you reccomend?

hi everyone, I'm looking for DOS games made on FreeBasic, specially having sources available. Since i'm interested on coding DOS games (on DosBox and/or FreeDOS), for the first goal of retro development for old machines, and since i'm struggling on some specific issues (sprites, subs and functions, ...
by nitrofurano
Sun May 27, 2012 6:09 pm
Forum: Site Suggestions
Topic: finding/browse game by year
Replies: 0
Views: 22663

finding/browse game by year

at , would be great if we could find or browse game by the year it were made or released - for example, i have special curiousity about dos games made after 2005 (yes, indie homebrew retro development, games like Paku Paku and others) - and would be great as well if dosgames....