Search found 51 matches

by Tombstone
Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:23 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: |Poll| Is Abandonware Illegal? |Poll|
Replies: 38
Views: 69707

Abandonware. The very name implies that it's being thrown away or 'abandoned'.

I see it as the digital equivalent of dumpster-diving. As they say; "One man's trash..."
by Tombstone
Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:18 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Favourite RPG games
Replies: 22
Views: 27946

My advice: Whatever you do, don't create puzzles or quests that cannot be satisfied out of sequence, and are critical to being able to move forward. Wizardry VII was a fantastic game, except ... If you did certain things in the wrong order, you got stuck and could not do anything but wander around t...
by Tombstone
Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:05 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: What Apogee games do you have?
Replies: 34
Views: 53483

Nobody else has Wacky Wheels?!? :o
by Tombstone
Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:20 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Quarterdeck multitasking app...?
Replies: 2
Views: 7664

jmmijo wrote:Wasn't it called DESQview :D

And a GOOGLE search is the best option to finding a copy ;)
by Tombstone
Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:21 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Quarterdeck multitasking app...?
Replies: 2
Views: 7664

Quarterdeck multitasking app...?

About 10-15 years ago, Quarterdeck made this app that allowed you to multitask (sort of) in MS-DOS. I'll be buggered if I can remember the name of the thing. I'm having a mental block. It was real popular with BBS SysOps, as they needed it to run the BBS s'ware and the door programs at the same time...
by Tombstone
Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:31 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: MS-DOS 6 on a Microsoft Network?
Replies: 6
Views: 16325

MS-DOS 6 on a Microsoft Network?

I suppose I already know the answer to this, but...

I have an ISA Ethernet card and a PC/AT 386 running DOS6. Is it possible to connect this machine to a Microsoft Windows Peer2Peer Network?

All I want to do is transfer files without doing the floppy-floppy shuffle.
by Tombstone
Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:14 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Score! I finally found my ultimate DOS box!
Replies: 1
Views: 8572

Score! I finally found my ultimate DOS box!

I was working a 3 week contract job, doing a 700 Win XP workstation roll-out, when I noticed a pile of old equipment on a palette in the back of the warehouse. Curious, I gave the pile of old junk a close examination. There she was, hiding under a busted Token Ring hub and an old line printer. A Mid...
by Tombstone
Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:38 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: The Right HardStuff
Replies: 23
Views: 50912

Unknown_K wrote:Onboard FDD/HDD controller didn't happen untill the tail end of the 486 era, so NO

The board has 8 and 16 Bit ISA slots, VLB was in the 486 era, so NO
I've seen 386 compatible mainboards with one or both of these features, that's why I asked.
by Tombstone
Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:22 am
Forum: Hardware
Topic: The Right HardStuff
Replies: 23
Views: 50912

Are you in the US? I have a 386SX/40 MB that needs a battery, maybe we could trade. Unfortunately, I'd need the whole nine yards. I have old drives < 500MB for it, some old 4 - 12X CD-ROMs that I'm pretty sure still work, wads and wads of good 30 pin SIMMs, and that SB CT3990 VLB card for audio, bu...
by Tombstone
Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:29 am
Forum: Hardware
Topic: The Right HardStuff
Replies: 23
Views: 50912

Where can one purchase an old system like this? I've got a Pentium 133 (see signature), and even a Pentium 90, but they're too advanced for some of my favorite old DOS games (Gunship 2000, Pirates! Gold, etc.) I have been hunting for a 386/DX40 (or thereabouts) for two years. Yard sales, eBay, you n...
by Tombstone
Sat Jun 12, 2004 4:22 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game manual downloads (PDF)
Replies: 2
Views: 12615

Game manual downloads (PDF)

I bought Warhammer 40K: Rites of War on eBay but it was the disc only. The interface is very complicated, and I really need the game manual. Does anyone know a good site to download game manuals in PDF format? SSI 's official site is now some kind of freaky search engine. I discovered they were boug...
by Tombstone
Sun May 30, 2004 3:56 am
Forum: Hardware
Topic: HEY! Looking for 386 system!
Replies: 1
Views: 7564

HEY! Looking for 386 system!

I am looking for an IBM PC-AT or clone system with the following specs. If anyone knows a good online source for something like this, or has one he'd like to dump, let me know please. 386DX/40 CPU (Maximum) 8 MB RAM (30 pin SIMM) (Minimum) Trident 8900C SVGA (1Mb) (Or equivalent) Sound Blaster Pro C...
by Tombstone
Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:25 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: simcity
Replies: 9
Views: 14388

emmzee wrote:According to posts in other threads, the original SimCity is available in stores, so please don't post links to, or otherwise trade it on these forums. Thanks :)
That's what the Private Message feature is for, right? :rolleyes:
by Tombstone
Thu Nov 06, 2003 9:27 pm
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: Install disk issues; Eye of the Beholder HELP!
Replies: 3
Views: 8181

Actually, I had to do that to recover a couple of files from the install set that were too badly damaged to be recovered. They all have the contents of both install diskettes combined in a single archive file, which is uninstallable. You have to have the right files on the right diskettes, and the d...
by Tombstone
Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:13 am
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: 11th Hour and XP
Replies: 5
Views: 9838

Nevermind. I figured it out. Pretty cool. :)
by Tombstone
Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:56 am
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: 11th Hour and XP
Replies: 5
Views: 9838

Is that a point and click adventure? If so, you'll need SCUMM-VM to run it. Google it. I'm not sure, though. How do you do that with your sig, get all the cookie info into that pic? To be honest, it kinda bugs me, having all my info on a message board, even though I expect I'm the only one that see...
by Tombstone
Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:46 am
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: Wizardry 7 crusaders of the dark savant
Replies: 1
Views: 5208

You need to get your hands on Wizardry Gold. It is essentially Crusaders of the Dark Savant, but it's been updated and is compatible with Winblows.

It's sold separately, or as part of The Ultimate Wizardry Archives.
by Tombstone
Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:44 am
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: Install disk issues; Eye of the Beholder HELP!
Replies: 3
Views: 8181

Awww, c'mon... Anybody?
by Tombstone
Thu Oct 23, 2003 1:03 am
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: Install disk issues; Eye of the Beholder HELP!
Replies: 3
Views: 8181

Install disk issues; Eye of the Beholder HELP!

My install floppies for Eye of the Beholder took a hit from long storage. I managed to recover the files from the disks, but I forgot to keep track of which files go on which disk , and what the volume labels are supposed to be. The install program will not recognize the copies I made because either...
by Tombstone
Tue Aug 12, 2003 8:19 pm
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: getting my mouse to work in dos
Replies: 13
Views: 25034

Forget what I posted earlier. I thought you were running pure MS-DOS, not Windows. If you're running Windows, it's perfectly normal for the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to be empty. Everything MS-DOS used the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files for, Windows now keeps in it's registry file. They're obsolete in Wi...