Search found 22 matches

by J-Man
Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:49 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: I used to play lotus!!!! But can't find it anymore.
Replies: 18
Views: 29975

Lotus was actually a DOS game (made by Gremlin Interactive). There was a shareware version that only gave you one car on one track. I don't know where to download it, though.

I think the full name is "Lotus III Raceway".
by J-Man
Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:18 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: Teenage mutant ninja turtles!!
Replies: 21
Views: 29940

Go here to get TMNT Tournament Fighters Remix if you're looking for a TMNT-related DOS game (freeware): ... ce7a.shtml
by J-Man
Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:24 am
Forum: Get Games to Work
Topic: Non-XP Compatible Game List
Replies: 27
Views: 41938

Indenture v1.7

Indenture (v1.7) for DOS, a clone of Atari 2600 Adventure, runs EXTREMELY slow on Windows XP.
by J-Man
Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:29 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!
Replies: 15
Views: 32275

Go ahead and install FreeDOS on that C: partition. It will safely retain your data, install itself on that partition, and then you can boot FreeDOS from that C: partition. All except 5 of your files will be saved. These 5 files will be deleted to make way for the FreeDOS installation: IO.SYS MSDOS.S...
by J-Man
Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:23 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Denied by EA :)
Replies: 44
Views: 63120

Thunderdog, when I saw that shrinkwrapped CD with that old SimCity, it crushed all hopes of that game being freeware. This topic was centered around EA refusing to allow SimCity to go freeware on Emmzee's request. If they let Emmzee put SimCity up for download, they wouldn't be able to sell many cop...
by J-Man
Mon Oct 13, 2003 9:46 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: Old soundcard for retro box
Replies: 43
Views: 84528


The Sound Blaster ISA card (any model) is the KING of sound cards (It's the original, most others are copycats).

Most ISA sound cards are fine anyway. (With 16-bit power, don't expect massive quality)
by J-Man
Mon Oct 13, 2003 9:34 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Best version of DOS for old dos games?
Replies: 8
Views: 21091

DOS versions

FreeDOS is excellent with the majority of games. Check my "Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS" topic. As for the commercial DOSes, here goes: MS-DOS and IBM/PC DOS versions 3.3 and higher should provide robust gaming performance with the majority of games (especially the old ones that requir...
by J-Man
Mon Oct 13, 2003 9:19 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: The IDSA no longer exists!
Replies: 15
Views: 27889

Attacking the innocent

When the ESA or any other anti-piracy organization attack the innocent (poor law-abiding Emmzee and probably some others), it shows that their war on piracy is being fought badly. Someone or something has failed to do their job properly. It is excellent that the ESA/BSA/CAAST/etc. are fighting hard ...
by J-Man
Sun Oct 12, 2003 5:16 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!
Replies: 15
Views: 32275

I edited my last post to include most of what used to be on this post (thanks Dogbreath).
by J-Man
Sun Oct 12, 2003 3:52 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!
Replies: 15
Views: 32275

Jmmijo, there are two versions of the FreeDOS kernel, one supports FAT32, the other one doesn't. Other than that, they are almost identical. Make sure you get the right one if you want FAT32 support. I have finally finished the FreeDOS boot disk setup. Download it at:
by J-Man
Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:25 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!
Replies: 15
Views: 32275

That's native support built in the kernel.
by J-Man
Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:39 am
Forum: General Off-Topic
Topic: Canada
Replies: 35
Views: 40989

Canada is mostly Christian!
by J-Man
Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:30 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!
Replies: 15
Views: 32275


FreeDOS can support FAT32!
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:41 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: CHAMP Ms. Pacman Full Version.
Replies: 7
Views: 11145

Champ Programming released the full versions for free on after they went out of business. The owner of Champ (John W. Champeau) signed the guestbook saying how he was glad people enjoyed his games.

That's RIGHT!!! CHAMP GAMES ARE officially FREEWARE!!!
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:37 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: Premier of Israel ?
Replies: 1
Views: 4721

It's called Conflict, I think.
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 4:25 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Denied by EA :)
Replies: 44
Views: 63120


But that's only about 4 months!

What's the limit on how old a topic can be before it must be silenced? And if a topic is too old, why isn't it locked to prevent revivals?
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 2:05 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Denied by EA :)
Replies: 44
Views: 63120

I didn't think the post was that old!
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:55 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!
Replies: 15
Views: 32275

Don't pirate MS-DOS, get FreeDOS!

FreeDOS works really well for almost all DOS games. If you have a pirate copy of MS-DOS, GET RID OF IT and get FreeDOS!!! If a game that worked in MS-DOS does not work in FreeDOS, please let me know and I might be able to help you. (This should be very rare, however) FreeDOS h...
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:10 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Stupid Pc Speaker
Replies: 20
Views: 41673

PC Speaker

Some programs can silence the PC speaker (not 100% though). They act as TSR's and they can eliminate MOST of the PC speaker sounds. They are either shareware or freeware and they are available on some download sites.
by J-Man
Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:00 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Denied by EA :)
Replies: 44
Views: 63120

Simcity for DOS

I saw SimCity for DOS at Walmart.