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Gaming Demi-god
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Post by GAMER »

On that topic, i have a question...
I realise that Jesus died for our sins, but how did all it happen on Earth?
Who actually commanded his execution and why?

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CPT Worm
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Post by CPT Worm »

Pontius Pilate.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Because of poor job security.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by emmzee »

The short answer to "who" is Pontius Pilate. As for why, the short answer is that he was pressured into doing it by some of the Jewish leaders and others who for one reason or another didn't like Jesus. It would probably be better to read through the appropriate sections, starting around here: ... ersion=NLT
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Post by Check-Mate »

The Jewish religious leaders were trying to get Jesus killed for quite a while....
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

You guys are lucky to have so many cool job experiences.I've never had a job that doesn't involve me sitting in front of a computer :(
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Post by Wally »

Santhosh CHRiS wrote:You guys are lucky to have so many cool job experiences.I've never had a job that doesn't involve me sitting in front of a computer :(
You gotta look around wide and broad, maybe you should move to Melbourne and be a taxi driver :P
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Post by CPT Worm »

Wally wrote:
Santhosh CHRiS wrote:You guys are lucky to have so many cool job experiences.I've never had a job that doesn't involve me sitting in front of a computer :(
You gotta look around wide and broad, maybe you should move to Melbourne and be a taxi driver :P
Silly Wally, don't you remember? All Australians are racist to Indians.
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Post by Wally »

No they aren't.

I see indians every day in the City, not one of them looks like they're getting attacked by me or anyone else, we aussies also provide indians lots of jobs.. Call that racist I think not.

I think its the complete opposite, Indians are racist to us Aussies.. We go out of our way to please you people and you yell at us because its not good enough by your countries standard.
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Gaming Demi-god
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Post by GAMER »

I think Worm was making a joke...

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Post by Check-Mate »

Yikes, not again!

I had an interesting night tonight...
A couple of incredibly wasted guys were at the theatre annnnd wow it was ridiculous. The one guy couldn't even stand. Wow. I had to call security and then they called the cops... so there were 4 cruisers in the parking lot and an ambulance and the fire truck arrived. What a scene.

So much for a quiet Monday night!
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Post by Wally »

Ohh I thought Santhosh posted that.. dosraiders old age must be contagious :cry:
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Gaming Demi-god
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Post by GAMER »

Why did they need a fire truck?!

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Post by CPT Worm »

GAMER wrote:Why did they need a fire truck?!

AFAIK, fire trucks are often the first responders. I don't know if it's the same in Canada, but in the US if you call 911 (000 in Australia, 112 in the EU), they often dispatch a fire truck immediately, followed by an ambulance or police cruiser if they need it.

Most of the time, the emergency isn't a fire. So, by sending a fire truck, they aren't diverting ambulances or police cruisers that may be needed. If it happens to be a fire, you can almost never send too many trucks to the scene, and having the fire truck as a first responder hopefully lets the firefighters get a handle on the fire before it gets out of hand.
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Post by Check-Mate »

Wormy is pretty bang on.
We didn't call 911, though. Security called the police station, cause it wasn't an emergency.
But I think once the guy started complaining about his stomach they called for an ambulance.
But generally speaking, the three come as a unit. Police, Ambulance and fire truck.
The cops were first to respond, but then the ambulance came, and shortly after the fire truck arrived. Once they were clear there was no fire, they drove away.
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Post by GAMER »

Seems kind of odd if the people calling specify that there ISN'T a fire?
What kind of skill set do fire fighters come with? Other than fighting fires?
I know that they often attend situations where someone may have fallen over...

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Post by Wally »

Fire trucks have water, Drunk people need water to sober up, ever wondered why they have fire hydrants everywhere over there Gamer? :devil:
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Firefighters are also the ones best equipped with the tools to get people out of contorted metal and whatnot so they're quite useful even if the emergency isn't a fire.

Aside from that and cooling off riots, as Wally said, they can properly wake up drunken drunks.

Or maybe the just wanted to catch the late night movie
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

I wanna job where I can be world recognized hero or a villain and everything I do affects somethin or someone in a big way... being a civilian jus watching other people have fun plain sucks :P
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Post by dosraider »

Wally wrote:Ohh I thought Santhosh posted that.. dosraiders old age must be contagious :cry:
Nope, it's not contagious, you simply are old before you age.

With all that booze and drugs you're consuming you probably never get as old as you look now.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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