Old robot game [Electro Man]

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Old robot game [Electro Man]

Post by Miljaker »


I'm looking for an old robot game I used to play. I'm currently 18 years old and I probably played it when I was 4-5.

You where controlling a "human" robot (with legs and arms, etc.) and could upgrade your weapons some way.

I remember it had a weapon or actually the "ammo" flying wich looked like some sort of tennisbal which left a trail. I also remember a weapon which shot like a ( or ). To progress you had to move to some triangle looking portals on the ground and then you would get somewhere. Sometimes it was a gamble with the portals as you couldnt read the tekst where it led to (blame sucky screens) and sometimes you would go to the next level and sometime you would just explode.

It was 2d and you where looking from the side. Your enemies looked different then you. They looked less human like.

I really want to know which game this was.

more info

Post by miljaker »


you could not aim, you always shoot forward.
very poor graphics too :p

if I have to describe your character I would have to say it looks alot like those HALO suits but then 2d and ofc not that good looking.

sorry for my sucky grammar :p


Post by miljaker »

no one? :cry:
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Post by rx0ug »

I'd give it a shot - BAAL.

But this game was way older than the years you mentioned. Sorry, don't think I'd know which game you were looking for.
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Post by AshyRaccoon »


Post by Miljaker »

Omfg yes, Electro Man! Thank you!
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Re: Old robot game [Electro Man]

Post by dosraider »

Miljaker wrote:I'm looking for an old robot game I used to play.
But but but but .... you're not playing a robot in Electro man ......
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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