REALLY old DOS adventure game [Arctic Adventure]

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REALLY old DOS adventure game [Arctic Adventure]

Post by pulse »

This is probably a long shot as I don't think this game was very popular.

Anyway, the game was an adventure game where you are wandering around dungeons, don't really remember what the objective of the game was...

It had a really simple colour scheme, everything was purple/pink with black background, it probably would have taken about 20-30 pixels to make the character.

Sorry I can't provide more info, I don't have much memory of this game as I was playing it in 1994-95.

Post by pulse »

Also, they guy was controlled using the arrow keys, the view was side on for the character but was top down for the "environment", like Castle Adventure but A LOT simpler graphics.

I don't really care if anyone can find the actual game or not to be honest, I just want to find out the name!
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Post by dosraider »

Simple graphics and yet colors, 94/95 ... an old Atari to Dos port?
Something as Indenture?
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Re: REALLY old DOS adventure game

Post by MrFlibble »

pulse wrote:Anyway, the game was an adventure game where you are wandering around dungeons, don't really remember what the objective of the game was...

It had a really simple colour scheme, everything was purple/pink with black background, it probably would have taken about 20-30 pixels to make the character.
Hmm, sounds like it could be John Carmack's Catacomb.

Re: REALLY old DOS adventure game

Post by pulse »

dosraider wrote:Simple graphics and yet colors, 94/95 ... an old Atari to Dos port?
Something as Indenture?
MrFlibble wrote: Hmm, sounds like it could be John Carmack's
Neither, it didn't have colourS, just the one (purple or pink) with the black background and the character was represented by more than just one dot.
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Post by Quadko »

Maybe Temple of Apshai? Or, the colors are wrong in Telengard, but is that close enough we're looking for a clone? I'm assuming this was "played in the '90s, created in the '80s".

Worse graphics than Castle Adventure? Wow, that's going to be hard. :D Rogue? :P

Not an RPG, but how do the graphics on Robot Odyssey compare to your memories?

Post by pulse »

Still none of those, the character looked something like this with colours close to what I coloured him.

Btw thanks for all your help so far, as I said I really don't know if anyone will be able to get what game I remember as it wasn't very popular and I don't know where I got it from.
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Post by dosraider »

Clickable pic:

... but no idea what game it is you're looking for.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.

Post by pulse »

dosraider wrote:
Clickable pic: http:/

... but no idea what game it is you're looking for.
Bugger, that's ok it was a long shot anyway.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

That rather reminds me of Berzerk, but that's never been (as far as I know) ported to PC.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Quadko »

That image has a real Cowboy vibe to it, any chance it was a western of some sort?

Post by pulse »

Wasn't a western, as far as I can remember there was no shooting at all, it was puzzles like find keys to unlock doors etc so more Indiana Jones I guess
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Post by AshyRaccoon »

Could it be distorted memories of Arctic Adventure, by chance? ... otId,3481/ ... creenshots
Er well, "top down" it's not, except in the level select.. I'm probably totally off base, but that's what the drawing of the character reminds me of, nonetheless...

Post by pulse »

YES! That's it! Yeah, they were distorted memories. Thanks so much, much appreciated all the help.
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Post by AshyRaccoon »

Oh, man. Awesome. I knew that image reminded me a lot of something I'd played. Luckily, while bored in DOSBox I went dir /p in my dos games directory, saw ARCTIC, and went oh yeah, that's what it was.
I know I've had some old memories of games turn out to be pretty distorted, so I'm glad I took a chance on the guess. You're welcome. =)
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