I guess it's time to throw in a few suggestions of games that could be added to the site. So far the site doesn't have a separate category for role-playing games, yet there are quite a few notable shareware and free games that could be added.
I'll provide links to game descriptions at MobyGames or other sources whenever possible.
Amulets & Armor
Type: Shareware
Version: 1.2
Download: FilePlanet
NOTE: The game is actually freeware, however the developers do not allow to distribute the full version anywhere except the official website.
Ancients I: The DeathWatch
Type: Shareware
Version: 2.0
Download: anc1s.zip
Aethra Chronicles
Type: Shareware
Version: 1.1
Excelsior Phase One: Lysandia
Type: Shareware
Version: 2.0
Download: EXCLS1_2.ZIP
The Kingdom of Syree
Type: Free
Version: 1.0.2
Download: SYREE102.ZIP
The Kingdom of Syree II: Black Magic
Type: Shareware
Ultizurk III: The Guildmaster's Quest
Type: Shareware
Version: 1.1
Download: ULTIZR3.ZIP
Type: Shareware
Version: 2.3
Download: WW_2_3_A.ZIP, WW_2_3_B.ZIP
Yendorian Tales Book I
Type: Shareware
Download: yendor1.exe
Yendorian Tales Book I CHAPTER 2
Type: Shareware
Version: 2.10
Download: yendor2.exe
Yendorian Tales: The Tyrants of Thaine
Type: Shareware
Version: 2.01
Download: yendor3.exe
Game Suggestions: Role-Playing Games
Re: Game Suggestions: Role-Playing Games
On a second thought, you might want to use the smaller demo that only has MIDI music for the "play online" version, whereas keeping the big one (the one from FilePlanet) as a download.
A couple more suggestions, if you don't mind 
Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep
Type: Playable Demo
Download: Internet Archive
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Type: Playable Demo
Download: arenadmo.zip
NOTE: The full version of this game was released as freeware by Bethesda, however because it's not a quick-playing game it's probably better to put up a demo with a single dungeon instead of the full game for online play in the browser.
The Elder Scrolls: Chapter II - Daggerfall
Type: Playable Demo
Download: FilePlanet
NOTE: Similar to Arena, Daggerfall is also free, however a single dungeon demo may be more appropriate for online play.
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity
Type: Playable Demo
Download: ISHAR3.ZIP
Legends of Valour
Type: Playable Demo
Download: VALOR.ZIP
Lords of Doom
Type: Free (originally shareware)
Download: LOD1.ZIP
Towers: Lord Baniff's Deceit
Type: Shareware
Version: 1.21

Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep
Type: Playable Demo
Download: Internet Archive
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Type: Playable Demo
Download: arenadmo.zip
NOTE: The full version of this game was released as freeware by Bethesda, however because it's not a quick-playing game it's probably better to put up a demo with a single dungeon instead of the full game for online play in the browser.
The Elder Scrolls: Chapter II - Daggerfall
Type: Playable Demo
Download: FilePlanet
NOTE: Similar to Arena, Daggerfall is also free, however a single dungeon demo may be more appropriate for online play.
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity
Type: Playable Demo
Download: ISHAR3.ZIP
Legends of Valour
Type: Playable Demo
Download: VALOR.ZIP
Lords of Doom
Type: Free (originally shareware)
Download: LOD1.ZIP
Towers: Lord Baniff's Deceit
Type: Shareware
Version: 1.21
Re: Game Suggestions: Role-Playing Games
FilePlanet's download server is offline, but the large shareware version can be downloaded here.