Fleet Street Phantom - old DOS game

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Fleet Street Phantom - old DOS game

Post by ns123 »

I have this old DOS game on a floppy disk called Fleet Street Phantom. I don't know much about it but I can remember that it's a puzzle game relating to a newspaper company.
Is anyone interested in this game or knows anything about it?

This is the only picture I could find of the game:


Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
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Post by tienkhoanguyen »

I wish I knew so I could help out. However, it looks like a cute game for what it is worth.
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Post by Quadko »

Worldcat has the only real details I see:
http://www.worldcat.org/title/fleet-str ... /220959137

looks like an educational Apple software title: "System requirements: Apple IIe, IIc, IIGS."

You are always welcome here and we'll do our best, but you might have more luck with this one on an Apple II oriented fan board! :)
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