When I am playing "The Lion King", after a certain amount of time the game will seem to automatically crash. It goes to the Dosbox screen with the message "End of Trigger List Memory." I think it does this on time, because it has crashed in many different spots. Does anyone know how to stop it doing that?
I had the same problem on my 486... it had problems on the second level... i have no idea how to fix this thing but when i reinstaled the game (you should do the same) the problem EOTLM message stoped appearing. My advice: download the game from somewhere else, or install the windows version(findable by google)
A note for future posting you should WAIT for more that 3 hours for a reply i don't know where do you live but the mods and admins work late hours so maybe their tired(as in tired=exhausted or just tired of hearing of Lion King problems -> their quite often)
and a little question.... are you by any chance Sqizophrenic???? cuz you have multiple personalities SimbatheLionKing and Sinba
no sorry.... just reinstall the game ok?
Anonymous wrote:I had the same problem on my 486... it had problems on the second level... i have no idea how to fix this thing but when i reinstaled the game (you should do the same) the problem EOTLM message stoped appearing. My advice: download the game from somewhere else, or install the windows version(findable by google)
A note for future posting you should WAIT for more that 3 hours for a reply i don't know where do you live but the mods and admins work late hours so maybe their tired(as in tired=exhausted or just tired of hearing of Lion King problems -> their quite often)
and a little question.... are you by any chance Sqizophrenic???? cuz you have multiple personalities SimbatheLionKing and Sinba
no sorry.... just reinstall the game ok?
I forgot to log in... I wrote this post just so you know
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.
ModBot™ - Faster than the speed of spam!(and always taking it to where it belongs!)
Anonymous wrote:I had the same problem on my 486... it had problems on the second level... i have no idea how to fix this thing but when i reinstaled the game (you should do the same) the problem EOTLM message stoped appearing. My advice: download the game from somewhere else, or install the windows version(findable by google)
A note for future posting you should WAIT for more that 3 hours for a reply i don't know where do you live but the mods and admins work late hours so maybe their tired(as in tired=exhausted or just tired of hearing of Lion King problems -> their quite often)
and a little question.... are you by any chance Sqizophrenic???? cuz you have multiple personalities SimbatheLionKing and Simba
no sorry.... just reinstall the game ok?
Na, I'm not this "Sqizophrenic" person. Who is he, anyway? lol. Thanks for your help, I'll try that although the message hasn't appeared for a while.
Ok... I had to delete some of your smilies to post this message.
i have the same problem, and i dont know what to do
i have downloaded the game from many places and it is always whit the same problem .. pleaseee help i really want to play this game ! thnx
Hey I've had that exact same problem and suffered for long time. not just that crash but sometimes lion can't shout and this is very important for second level to move the monkies.
anyway, I found out the cause of the problem. Its because the game is not designed to work with fast CPUs like ours and that is causing all these bugs.