SoundBlaster16 route MIDI-IN to FM Synth

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SoundBlaster16 route MIDI-IN to FM Synth

Post by maferv »


I'm trying to use a MIDI Keyboard Casio PX-310 with a Sound Blaster 16 ISA no PnP, so that when I play the keyboard, the SB16 FM Synth plays. The system is Win98SE (that means that MS-DOS 7.11 is also an alternative).

I tried with MIDI-OX to some degree of success. If open MIDI-OX I get sound, it works but as soon as I play a single keyboard key I get this error on screen:

An error has ocurred in your program. To keep working anyway,
click Ignore and save your work in a new file. To quit this program, click Close.
You will lose information you entered since your last Save.

If I click Close, I'll get a system freeze and this message:

Code: Select all

MIDIOX caused a general protection fault
in module MMCBK16.DLL at 0001:00000e8c.
EAX=c189ce74 CS=2e87 EIP=00000e8c EFLGS=00000203
EBX=00000000 SS=320f ESP=00000fe4 EBP=00000fea
ECX=80000046 DS=016f ESI=0071f2dc FS=2fbf
EDX=80000004 ES=2e6f EDI=64101ba5 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
ff 06 12 00 ff 76 fe 9a 66 0a 87 2e c9 ca 10 00  
Stack dump:
00000a12 00000246 003b0204 00000000 00000000 2e6f0000 00820000
If I keep playing, then the screen goes blank but it continues working anyway. Then I have to reset.

What could be the problem here? Would you recommend a different way to achieve my goal of playing the keyboard with the SB16 Synth? Perhaps using another software for Win98, or for MS-DOS?

Thank you.
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Post by Rwolf »

I would guess at a buffer overrun between the two programs, the SB16 synth might not cope with heavy use...I know I sometimes got hanging notes on my SB16 if too much was being played at once, meaning a note-off message got lost sometimes.
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