Game featuring a yellow dog

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Game featuring a yellow dog

Post by PH »

Does anyone know the name of the game described below (taken from another website).

“The yellow dog of which we speak is that of a very old pc game which was around at least 8 years ago. In the game (which was named after the dog in the game) you are the 'owner' of a yellow dog and you both live in what seems to be a house but you only see one room. This room consists of a door to the left of the screen and a dumb waiter (a lift from a kitchen to upper floors that used to be used in victorian households) to the right of the screen.

There were also buttons which allowed you to either be cruel or give presents to the dog but the presents were random as you never knew what you were going to get after pressing one of the buttons. There wasn't really a plot (that we could see) and after a while if we were too cruel to the dog it took ages for him to be happy again.

This game wasn't a traditional virtual pet game ie: petz - This game was quite violent; you were almost encouraged to treat the dog badly but then again most of the time it was impossible to tell whether the dog was going to be punished or rewarded, by the random buttons that you had to press. We're not sure if this game was downloadable or if it came on a disk because it was one of the first games we found on the computer when a friend installed it for us.”

This game was also installed on our PC we bought sometime in the 90’s but I can’t remember its name or find any other info relating to it.

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Post by Quadko »

That's not ringing any bells, but you might try looking through mobygames' list of dog/wolf games if you haven't.

Do you remember what brand of PC it was? That might help, too.

Post by PH »

Thanks. I had previously looked on that site and couldn't see anything that matched this game.

The PC was custom built by a family friend and ran either Win 3.1 or Win 95. I think it came preloaded with several games, the only other one I can recall being Red Baron.

I can only think they were installed off a multi game CD, so i'll have to go down that route.
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Post by dosgamer8522 »

Does anyone have any ideas on this one? Seems impossible to find.
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Post by Quadko »

I haven't turned up anything on "dog training games". I assume definitely NOT Clifford the Big Red Dog?

Was dog training the focus, or just a sideline? Do you have any memories or similar looking games?
Can you narrow down the year? Jan 2014 - 8 = Jan 2006, but was the quote even written the same year this thread was started?

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Post by dosgamer8522 »

Definitely not Clifford the Big Red Dog.

I can't recall a plot, the focus was purely on seeing how the dog would react to the button presses. One button for example would electrocute the dog (hilariously animated) and I have a vague memory of another button making a telephone ring, with the dog possibly answering it.

I would say I played this sometime between 1995-1998. The quote was from 2010 or 2011 but the post doesn't exist anymore.

Many thanks
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Post by Quadko »

Closest I've been able to come so far is the wacky humor in the many entries in the Dogz series, and its spinoff Oddballz.
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Game featuring a yellow dog

Post by Alpha_33 »

I just created this account right now to post the answer. The game is called cyber pest by pesky. I was literally just hunting for it when I came across this forum hoping to find answers. :thumbsup:
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Game featuring a yellow dog

Post by Rwolf »

If that is indeed the right game, there is a playable version (16bit installer, probably for Win3.x, as the release is 1996, won't run under Win64) uploaded at here: Cyber Pest. (The developer & publisher of this shareware title seems to have been located in the UK, but there are no wayback archives from that long ago.)

(I was initially thinking of Ruff's Bone; Ruff is yellow/beige in colour, but is playing outdoors)
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