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Hello It's a pleasure to meet you

Post by Manafae »


I wanted to introduce myself to this Forum. I'm a 33 year old german girl with a big interest in computer games from the days of C64 onward. I found this forum, while I was looking for a Retro Computer Gaming community, since while I like old console games as well, my heart always has been beating for Computer Games.

I hope I find a few nice people here, with whom I can share my passion.

In recent times I have been playing Might and Magic a lot. I just got me Heroes of Might and Magic for the first time as well. I still prefer the RPGs but I have fun with Heroes as well.

My favorite DOS Games are Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos the Point and Click Adventure Classics of Lucas Arts and Simon the Sorcerer tho.

I also really like Chewy: ESC From F5 and the Realms of Arkania Series, both games are probably better known in germany than elsewhere.

This as a little introduction. Do you guys have a discord server or something? I would like to get to know the Community :)
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Re: Hello It's a pleasure to meet you

Post by MrFlibble »


There isn't much going on in the forums these days save for the help identify the game forum, and the spambots of course.

Yes, there is a Discord server:
Manafae wrote:My favorite DOS Games are Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos the Point and Click Adventure Classics of Lucas Arts and Simon the Sorcerer tho.

I also really like Chewy: ESC From F5 and the Realms of Arkania Series, both games are probably better known in germany than elsewhere.
I've never been much of a fan of RPGs for a very long while, my first favourites were Prince of Persia and Warcraft II, and later StarCraft. Computer RPGs were almost entirely off my radar in my childhood during the 90s, not sure why. I think the only RPG I knew about (and later bought and played), not counting Diablo, was Rage of Mages, but that was probably because it is so similar to Warcraft II in many respects. I did play it more like a strategy than an RPG anyway :)

But recently I developed a greater, if slightly more academic, interest in blobbers. Lands of Lore (of which I only tried a demo so far I found on an old shareware CD) seems like a very high quality product to me. I should check out Realms of Arkania sometime, if only to practice my German a bit :)

A while ago I played Yendorian Tales Chapter 2 and The Tyrants of Thaine, which are fairly decent shareware Might and Magic clones as far as I can tell.

But the DOS RPG that I like most is undoubtedly Daggerfall. I even made a custom patch that fixes some graphics glitches with the paperdoll inventory.
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