Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

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Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

:angel: open-chess org/viewtopic.php?t=3260

geocities ws/cmby2 based by world match correspondence chess champion 1998-2003: Jan Pawel Lary Lubek :love:
mywikibiz com/0000 /2356 :thumbsup:
encyclopediasupreme org/0000 /Rocky /Twomoves.txt /Lottery.txt /LongLoncCastle.txt :thumbsup:

Is there anybody here who can add the move to the game? But the game has been compiled and now it's only number 1 and 0 of binary code; is it possible to restore the code? There are 2 files: cm.exe which controls thinking engines and executes moves and cm.dat which has information on the pieces. Will pay reasonably but this is not for me to make money, it's only to progress the game of chess; the lubek castle 2000/0000 improves chess in all aspects!!! B)

wikipediasucks co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1333&p=19424&sid=ddd90e6d3c2a731c4a0fb4a65ede2e00#p19424 :thumbsup:

linkedin com/pulse/wikipedia-how-ask-donations-guido-x-jansen-/ read comments :clap:

en.wikibooks org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Chess/Sample_chess_game&diff=3573130&oldid=3573129#the_2000_rotation_move_queenside_artistic_game
0000Lubekcastle.gif (106.91 KiB) Viewed 108281 times
0000castle-castledposition.gif (50.02 KiB) Viewed 108281 times
0000castle-initialposition.gif (49.97 KiB) Viewed 108281 times
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by MrFlibble »

First of all, please do not post topics with titles in all capitals; it makes reading the title more difficult and it's against the rules.

Second, you posted in a completely wrong forum, which is for finding old games of which people forgot the title. Not your case, obviously. So I moved your thread here.

Third, I had to re-read what you posted twice before I could make any sense of it. It appears that you invented a new way of castling and want it to be added to the game Chessmaster 2000? I don't know what professional chess players think of that game but it is decades old, and you need to use emulators to run it on modern systems. I believe it is not impossible to hack it so that your method of castling would replace normal castling, but what would be the reason for it?

There exist modern, open source cross-platform chess programmes like XBoard. From what I remember, this one supports modules which allow for different chess variants. It might even be possible to code a chess variant with your castling method without in-depth knowledge of programming. This would make your variant widely accessible and free, whereas distributing a hacked version of Chessmaster 2000 would likely classify as copyright infringement.
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Rwolf »

This looks like an illegal castling to me, or possibly an 'artificial castling'; ordinarily the king should only move two positions from his *original* position - and if one side initially makes a castling like this, the other sides king cannot move through the checked square resulting from the opponents move.

Anyway the person you ask for does not seem to be in the chess game business anymore - last seen posts were in 2012 at talkchess.com

(of course the OP could be a copy-paste bot stealing text from the original board it was posted on, about a month ago, but I doubt it)
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by MrFlibble »

Rwolf wrote: (of course the OP could be a copy-paste bot stealing text from the original board it was posted on, about a month ago, but I doubt it)
Googling did not give me any matches for parts of the OPs post, where did you find it?
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

rwolf, you are completely wrong, it is legal move to be :sleep: it is original castle, read its links, whoever finds david kittinger to email us: wandawladyslawanida gmail com remember you are doing this for the good of chess!!! :clap: :lolcat:
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Rwolf »

It could be something from 'Fisher random chess' (chess960), or an artificial problem setup. 0-0-0-0 is not a standard castling in my book.
As is, the paired problem as presented (with an otherwise empty board) cannot be completed for both sides because of the resulting column check condition for the second player.

As Mr Flibble says, using a modern open source chess program is much better than trying to reverse engineer and modify an old engine to add these oddities.

@MrFlibble: Google showed me an identical post (still in googles cache) at bleeping computer.com - from where it is now deleted. Oh, and I misstated; it was just over a week old, from 20 feb 2021. I just searched with the full subject header as a string. It looked too complex to be a bot post anyway.
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

so can any of you guys post (i cant register there because stupid questions never get answered right) and tell dk or whoever knows him to write us:
talkchess com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43447&start=80 wandawladyslawanida @ gmail be part of chess castle 2000/0000 historic project!!!

open-chess org/viewtopic.php?t=3260 :racing:
chessgames com/perl/chessplayer?pid=138337&kpage=3#reply69 :clap: :no1:

PROMOTE THE LUBEK CASTLE 2000/0000: :thumbsup:
pl wikiquote org/w/index.php?title=Boks&diff=519092&oldid=491781
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by MrFlibble »

Jan Lubek wrote: so can any of you guys post (i cant register there because stupid questions never get answered right) and tell dk or whoever knows him to write us:
talkchess com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43447&start=80 wandawladyslawanida @ gmail be part of chess castle 2000/0000 historic project!!!
David Kittinger appears to have not posted in that thread since 2012, maybe you should try to reach him via other means like LinkedIn?
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Rwolf »

I looked at the talkchess registration page for fun, and it is a simple math problem, phrased in a very appropriate form for the board subject.
To solve it all you need is to look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_pie ... tive_value

If you can't solve it, I'd say you are as close to a bot as you can get ;-)
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

just find me david kittinger, you are off topic here but never, ever use wiki-PEDO-ia as source as it is supreme eternal garbage as proven by its wikidiots, wikicrapia is wikioccultism of wikignorance, wikihypocrisy, wikistupidity, wikiarrogance, wikiindifference etc...: :blah:

<rant with calling out names snipped> ~MrFlibble
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by MrFlibble »

Mr. Jan Lubek, please kindly refrain from such outbursts with swearing from now on. We are not interested in your opinions of Wikipedia contributors here, and this forum is not a platform for such rants. You are a guest here, so please be polite and respect other users, and our rules.
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

NO!!!!!!!!!!! :blah: I only expressed my perfect fact that wikipedoia is not to be used as a source, ever, as it is absolute definition of garbage where wikignorance, wikihypocrisy, wikioccultism, law of wiki jungle rules, where you know more people and administrators, under the so called wiki-PEDO-ia so called all inclusive rules, anything can be said and done even if incorrect, especially promotion of sick pedophilism, how it should be legal to have sex with little boys and girls, just google wikipedia's problems with pedophilism. :thumbsup:
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

here is some information from 2012, david kittinger posted, is he even alive? :sleep:
talkchess com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=43447, kindly ask around and be part of chess history!!!

attention david kittinger, programmer of chessmaster 2000, get in touch with us immediately, so we can make chessmaster 2000/3000 play the historic, practical lubek castle 2000/0000

findagrave com/user/profile/49870508
chessgames com/perl/chessuser?uname=Wanda%20Nida
onevsone tripod com chess & boxing goodies, wikipedoia truth!!!
groups google com/g/alt.games.draughts/c/NYv82GczMzg/m/B6Gig4InAgAJ?pli=1

Does anybody here know chess programmer who can work on chessmaster 2000 i have? there are only 2 files: cm.exe for chess engine thinking and cm.dat where chess pieces info is written, the original source code is garbled as it was compiled, so it's now binary code of 1 and 0, can something be done to restore the original source code and add the lubek castle. i will pay reasonably! but remember this is not for profit, but to improve chess, especially queenside king's safety! :love: :no1: :clap: :thumbsup:
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by emmzee »

Jan, please be civil or you will be banned. People will also be more likely to help if your posts are not rude. Of course any support of pedophilia or other immoral acts will not be tolerated here, nonetheless there are many useful sources of knowledge online.

I've advised you privately that your best bet is likely chess forums or one of the chess subreddits like for example:

People there are IMHO much more likely to know Mr Kittinger than people here, we're more concerned with DOS games in general, not with chess.
Owner / Webmaster of DOSGames.com for over 20 years

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Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

yo pal, reality check, what support for pedophilia, im simply saying wikipedia is full of pedophiles as proven, DUH:

ritualabuse us/ritualabuse/articles/wikipedia-has-a-long-history-of-problems/
xahlee info/w/do_not_donate_to_Wikipedia.html
mywikibiz com/Talk:Top_10_Reasons_Not_to_Donate_to_Wikipedia
mywikibiz com/Top_10_Reasons_Not_to_Donate_to_Wikipedia

washingtonpost com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/12/02/wikipedia-has-a-ton-of-money-so-why-is-it-begging-you-to-donate-yours/
xahlee info/w/do_not_donate_to_Wikipedia.html

and i sent you in private message reddit did not accept my simple request to find david kittinger, email me if he is dead and find him if you want to be part of history as bobby fischer loved lubek's castle, i wont be checking nonsenese here! :sleep:
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

whoever knows david kittinger or associate chessmaster 2000 programers michael e. duffy, walt bilovsky, email us for historic chess project: wandawladyslawanida or tadeusznida gmail :thumbsup: giantbomb com/the-chessmaster-2000/3030-4/ :thumbsup:
Jan Lubek
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Who can get me in touch with Chessmaster 2000 programmer, David Kittinger? This is in order to create Lubek Castle 2000!

Post by Jan Lubek »

if you run original chessmaster 2000 ver 1, in the thank you note, once you exit, there are at least 10 names associates with chessmaster 2000, find them,... chessmaster 2000 code is all broken, however only amiga version has mouse control, any way of changing amica into dos?[ :love: /b] :love: will pay reasonably! :thumbsup:
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