Obscure RTS game called The Show

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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by Rena »

first of all i am sorry if this is the wrong topic it says pre 2000 realeased games but i couldnt find any topics about being past 2000 again sry if i posted this to the wrong channel so the game i looking for is called ''THE SHOW'' not the nbl sport series one the one i am talking about is a rts game developed by sixteen tons entertainment and realeased in 2007 there is litterally nothing on internet about the game no videos on youtube no links in retro gaming websides its like a ghost game so does anybody help me findthe game and relive my childhood memories ? :cry:
3050798-the show.jpg
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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by Rwolf »

The Mobygames entry The Show (from where you got the cover image I guess) seems to have only German, French and Russian releases, so maybe the only locations one finds information on the title are from those countries (like the magazine reviews listed).

There was a German website (online 2007-2019, now only archived): www.the-show.de which might have had some information, but it requires Adobe Flash to use, so it may need some alternate software nowadays to function. https://web.archive.org/web/20070401000 ... he-show.de

There was a demo of the game (about 20-30MB according to the dead 'worthplaying' link I found at a japanese review site) but I haven't found a valid link for it so far, and it's unlikey to be completely archived with that filesize. edit: Mr Flibbles russian link had another filesize of 720MB, so I wonder which is the right size...might be something fishy, but I'll check. update: Avast did not like the installer...

I guess there is only used games available now, at least legally.
Last edited by Rwolf on Tue Dec 21, 2021 3:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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loking for a old game i used to play

Post by Rena »

Rwolf wrote: The Mobygames entry (from where you got the cover image I guess) seems to have only German, French and Russian releases, so maybe the only locations one finds information on the title are from those countries (like the magazine reviews listed).

There was a German website (online 2007-2019, now only archived) which might have had some information, but it requires Adobe Flash to use, so it may need some alternate software nowadays to function.

There was a demo of the game (about 20-30MB) but I haven't found a vallid link for it so far, and it's unlikey to be completely archived with that filesize.
I guess there is only used games available now, at least legally.
i remember playing the game on german language like you said couldnt understand a thing but it still was awesome to play i guess like you said the only option left is finding a physical copy ty for the information and reply really appreciate it :thumbsup:
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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by MrFlibble »

Since the topic is no about identifying a game with forgotten title, moved this to General Gaming.

I think you're somewhat exaggerating its obscurity though, it has a page at AG.ru, and even a downloadable German language demo with two missions (if the description is accurate that is).
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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by Rena »

MrFlibble wrote: Since the topic is no about identifying a game with forgotten title, moved this to General Gaming.

I think you're somewhat exaggerating its obscurity though, it has a , and even a downloadable German language demo with two missions (if the description is accurate that is).
exaggerating its obscurity ? for real ?? there is not a SINGLE gameplay video about it i checked every platform that comes to mind i never even heard about the game mentioned in online forums whatsoever the only reason i came up with this game is i bought the disk at a dollar store 12 years ago it just came up in my mind if it wasnt for my memory there was no way to remember it trough browsing the internet... :suspicious:
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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by MrFlibble »

I get it that you'd probably want more people to be interested in your game. But at least it has a MobyGames page with screenshots, and a downloadable demo. There are many games that are completely forgotten and no information exists whatsoever, unless you go to the Wayback Machine.

The only problem with your game is that "The Show" is a title that does not facilitate easy search.
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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by Rwolf »

There are a few trailers from a single youtube user, but as Mr Flibble wrote, the game title is the greatest obstacle in finding information about it.
(Seeing the title, initially I thought it only was a quiz game, not an RTS.)

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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by Rena »

MrFlibble wrote: I get it that you'd probably want more people to be interested in your game. But at least it has a MobyGames page with screenshots, and a downloadable demo. There are many games that are completely forgotten and no information exists whatsoever, unless you go to the Wayback Machine.

The only problem with your game is that "The Show" is a title that does not facilitate easy search.
i dont have any intention to prove anyone anything i just wanted to find this game (full version) and play it thats it nothing else just sought some help. Thanks to rwolf i got my answers i dont get it why are you being a karen right now :huh:
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Obscure RTS game called The Show

Post by MrFlibble »

Rena wrote: why are you being a karen right now
I've not heard this expression before but apparently it does not mean a nice thing.

From my perspective, I've said nothing that was impolite, and tried to help -- not much that I could do but I pointed to a valid demo download at least. If I came across otherwise I'm fully willing to apologise. It is never my intention to hurt anyone's feelings, although I contend that I have full right to disagree with others' opinions and express my own.
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