How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Mysyk »

I am first time here. I hope I will like this place. I want to find more old-school and competitive players from Kazakhstan. How can I do this? I posted my request on every Kazakhstan-related websites, forums, blog platforms and whatever. Still I couldn't find so many to this day. Do I need to do special advertising? I also stream such games. I want to find players for Doom 1-2, Heretic, Hexen, Quake 1-3 and Battlefield 2142 particularly. While it is nice to see foreign players visiting our servers I want to have more players from my country.
Players in ZDaemon Doom Source port
Players in ZDaemon Doom Source port
IMG_09042013_173145.png (128.72 KiB) Viewed 39573 times
Players in ZDaemon Doom Source port
Players in ZDaemon Doom Source port
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by MrFlibble »

Hi, and welcome to the forums!

I've never been an online player myself so I can only guess how people find other players for online matching. National game-specific communities are often not easy to find, especially since forums are slowly losing ground to stuff like Discord.
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Mysyk »

A pity.
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Gaming Demi-god
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Rwolf »

There might be some possibility in filtering searches on Teamspeak servers/clans, if they are listed as being hosted in a specific country.
Not all such servers are for games of course.

Edit: I just checked in my Teamspeak server listing search, and while Kazakhstan exists as a selection in the filtered search, I saw no servers registered for this country. (If any exist, maybe they are invisible when offline, not registered correctly, or otherwise hidden.)

(I recently tried to locate a gamer friend through the Steam user search, but it seems Steam does not have the users country as a filtering option, so that attempt was futile.)

Edit 2: considering the current political situation in Kazakhstan, plus the internet cut-off, there might be more pressing issues than looking for local gaming buddies?
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Mysyk »

Thank you for help. Yes we had Internet cut-off those days.
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by MrFlibble »

I hope you're fine and well!
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Mysyk »

Yes we are. Thanks. :)
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Gaming Demi-god
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Rwolf »

I found this one TS server, which is listed as a KZ game-chat server since 2014, but there is no recent (weekly) user history, so I'm not sure if it is active. ... ID=1048999

The games listed are not really old-school in my eyes, the earliest being CounterStrike, but maybe you can find someone there to play your games with?
Last edited by Rwolf on Wed Jan 19, 2022 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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How can I find more old-school players from Kazakhstan?

Post by Mysyk »

Thank you. I think I can convince some users to play old games.
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