What old game is this map from?

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What old game is this map from?

Post by GlassWizzard »

I cropped this out of an old photo, it's a map that came with an old game. I'm trying to remember what the game is. Any ideas?
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What old game is this map from?

Post by GlassWizzard »

I had this game on either the Amiga or PC.
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Gaming Demi-god
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What old game is this map from?

Post by Rwolf »

About what timeframe are we talking about? What type of games did you play, if it was your game?
It looks like some strategy map, but not a map from Earth I think.
Sometimes these were used ingame as references/copy-protection items, if so it could be something linked with an RPG too.
There seems to be a white trapezoid logo in the top right corner, I don't recognize it myself, but maybe it's a publisher logo?
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What old game is this map from?

Post by GlassWizzard »

The photo was taken in the late 90's, but I remember at this time I was also playing Frontier Elite 2 (released 1993) and Millennium (released 1989), I played old games even then so it'l likely not a game that was released in the late 90's

I was still playing on my Amiga then, which is why it could be on that system. I'm certain it was a strategy game, likely a resource management game like millennium even though I can't remember anything at all about the game. I remember playing this game right after I played millennium.

I wish there was a site that had all the old game maps and stuff like that so I could just browse through them all. I've used google images with search terms like "retro game paper map" but I never found this one. I'll try and see if I can find any logos that look like the one on the map.
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