Best games of the 90s?

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Post by TagYoureIt »

Duke Nukem 3D
Daytona USA
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Solid

Just to name a few. There is so many.
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Post by fordj36 »

My top 5 best PC games of the 90s is:

1. Counter-Strike (that counts because the game was released in 1999)
2. Quake 3: Arena
3. Half-Life
4. Virtua Cop 2
5. Doom

But nowadays, I no longer play 90s PC games but I might come back to those titles soon.
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Post by Demon »

Of the 90s...

Best adventure: The Secret of Monkey Island (90)
Best platform (ex aequo): Prince of Persia (90) and Commander Keen IV (91) and Flashback (92)*
Best sport: Slicks 'n' Slide (93)
Best 3D: Descent (95)
Best strategy: Starcraft (98)
Best management: Rollercoaster Tycoon (99)
Best puzzle: The Neverhood (96)

*couldn't really pick one only
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by chaitali31 »

Excellent thread..!!!
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by lishaalisha »

Crash Bandicoot, Doom, Resident Evil 1, Twisted Metal
Sony Playstation 1 - #onelove :love:
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by romsplanet »

I real fan of retro games. Retro games remind me about my childhood!!!
I really like Nintendo games . Mario is the best game ever!!!
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by Scottish29 »

Hello Aldeb newbie here......

Now that is a tough one, I have tons of games I loved playing as a kid in the 90's the thing is there is so many and it's subjective because what one likes others may not but I will name some of my favourites and the genres I used to play as a kid.


In the 90's Fifa games were at it's best by a million miles simply because of the modes in it, such as invisible wall and balloon balls and all the rest of it, my cousin and I would frequently use them and the game had so much enjoyment out of it, Fifa nowadays is more realistic which is good in a way but at the same time I think it was fun to put in stipulations and different match scenarios.

After 2000 I also frequently played L.M.A Manager 2007, that was my first Football Managerial game and I bloody loved it on Xbox 360, I still have the saves on my Xbox 360 but since I got PS4 I've hardly played with the Xbox 360 and the only game I would play on Xbox 360 would be L.M.A Manager.


Mid 90's back on Windows I think it was 95 although I was in nappies so might be wrong but back in mid 90's Bomberman came out, my family loved that game we played it a lot and had so much fun, Bubble games as well was good that was my Mum's favourite game and my Dad still plays Age Of Empires which is like 40 years old lol. Also L.M.A Manager can be put into this category and either Japanese or Chinese game can't remember the name but it had 2 floors of shops and it was an arcade type of game that you were purchasing stores, I think game was around 1995/1997 because I was Primary School.


There is so many games from the 90's that I class as good games there is so many, my personal favourites are Max Power Racing, Colin McRae's Rally, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, Burnout 1, Carmageddon and Need For Speed Underground, those games I played tons as a kid.

Edit: Also forgot to add Driver 1 & 2, and Starsky & Hutch & Crazy Taxi


I'm not much of a shoot-em-up player but GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City were popular in the early 2000's, especially GTA San Andreas with the betting on the horses and hi-jacking the train to de-rail the train somewhere around San Andreas was epic, made me feel like a real life G LOL

Edit: L.A True Crimes
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by jlivingstonsg »


3D Tetris called

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Best games of the 90s?

Post by MrFlibble »

BlockOut was released in 1989, so technically not a 90s game?
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by Olive00 »

Only real game that comes to mind is... DOOM. It attracted a bunch of Teens/Young Adults, It was really the first ever FPS game, and it struck a LOT of people.
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by gerlino »

I was expecting a lot more talking about Unreal Tournament. I'm still playing that game haha
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by Akumafire »

The ps1 was amazing in the late 90s, especially for rpgs. Xenogears, Suikoden, and Final Fantasy 7 just to name a few of my favorites. Mentioning favorite ps1 games from the 90s though I feel like I have to being up Wild 9 (a quirky 2.5D platformer), and Metal Gear.
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by jlivingstonsg »

MrFlibble wrote: BlockOut was released in 1989, so technically not a 90s game?
Urgghhhhhh ....... Your no fun anymore.... (Monthy Python) :lolcat:

Regards from Sweden
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by JamieRobles »

Your list includes some highly regarded and influential games from the DOS/Windows era. Here's a breakdown of your categories and some additional notable titles:

Best Adventure: The Myst series and Tomb Raider series are indeed considered influential and popular. Other noteworthy adventure games include the LucasArts classics like Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, and Full Throttle.

Best RPG: Your choices of Diablo I and II, Daggerfall, Ultima, and Baldur's Gate are widely recognized as exceptional RPGs. Additional notable titles include Fallout, Planescape: Torment, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and Deus Ex.
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by rainbow_mall »

For me?

Oregon Trail
Prince of Persia
Monkey island :)

All best classics
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Best games of the 90s?

Post by Retronaut »

Z, Gods, Chaos Engine, Chaos Engine, Command & Conquer, Eye Of The Beholder, Fallout, Doom 1+2, Quake, Unreal, Magic Carpet, Dungeon Keeper 1+2, Theme Park, Syndicate, Monkey Island 1+2, + many more I cant remember right now.
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