Pixelart cartell boardgame for windows

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Pixelart cartell boardgame for windows

Post by Drachenbauer »


Many years ago i had a pc-game, called cartell or something like that

It seemed to be a multiplayer round based game, but it also was possible to Play around with it alone.

At th beginning tha Main-screen was a tiled grass area with a few randomly placed tiles of brickwall-pattern to indicate construction sites and some markers in grass-tiles, that can be clicked to build there.
To the right of this area where the "cartells" listed.
They had colorfol cuboid buildings as icons, wich also appear on the Main-board, when they are placed.

Some building runes, i remember:

-Players can only build on click-markers in the board.

-when a clickmarker has been used, a new one is randomly generated on a grass-tile At the next turn of this Player

-when the edges of the clicked cell touch only grass, a brickwall-pattern for construction site is placed on this cell.

-when the edges of the clicked cell touch minimum one construction site cell, but no existing cartell buildings and not all cartell-types exist on the board, one of them can be chosen to appear on the clicked cell and any edge-touching construction site cells (if all cartell-types exist on the board, such a marker is Turner into a forbidden-icon)

-when the edges of the clicked cell touch minimum one building of one existing cartell, this cell and maybe edge-touching construction sites turn into buildings of this cartell.

-when the edges of the clicked cell touch auch buildings of 2 or more cartells and one has way more buildings than the others, it takes over all buildings of the other ones (in cases of two huge areas or something, this cell Turnschuhe into a forbidden-icon).

Does anyone know this game?
Google habe me no result.
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Pixelart cartell boardgame for windows

Post by Rwolf »

So the gameplay seems a bit similar to Checkers or GO where you want to enclose or take over the opponents markers, but here with buildings instead?
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Pixelart cartell boardgame for windows

Post by Drachenbauer »

Rwolf wrote: So the gameplay seems a bit similar to Checkers or GO where you want to enclose or take over the opponents markers, but here with buildings instead?
Enclosing is not needed, when two areas touch by the added building, the larger area takes over the smaller.

And there are about 8-10 building-types to chose at starting a new area on the board.
Each type can have only one area of touching buildings.
And they are not player-related.
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