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Post by Aldeb »

It's odd that BIOS recognizes the 20GB HDD but Win98 can't

But now that you mention it, i had the thing mounted on an XP machine, so it's likely formatted in NFTS. Completely forgot about that detail.
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Post by ETTiNGRiNDER »

"Nova" ("Main" PC)
Custom build
Windows XP
AMD Phenom II X2 545 processor
Realtek High Definition Audio
ATI Radeon HD 4200 graphics card
1TB Hard Drive x 3
XBox 360 gamepad

"Shirro" (90s gaming PC)
HP Pavilion 4440
Windows 98SE
AMD K6-2/333Mhz processor
Creative Labs CT2770 Sound Blaster SB16 Value ISA Sound Card
SiS 5597 / 5598 graphics card
4.3GB Hard Drive
Gravis Gamepad Pro

I've already customized Shirro a bit by replacing the junky Riptide sound card that was in it with a Sound Blaster that works in DOS mode. I have a few other modifications I'd like to make, though, like replacing the graphics card (probably with a Voodoo 2), but the only game I have currently that seems to need it is Heretic II so it's not high on my priorities. I'd also like to look into getting some other joystick/gamepad options (as far as I can tell, the Gravis Gamepad Pro is Windows 9x only and can't be used when the computer's loaded into pure DOS mode, correct me if I'm wrong here.)

Nova is more of a "chatting and browsing" rig that takes up any games that are too new for Shirro to handle but wasn't built with gaming in mind. It seems mostly "good enough" for my purposes but if I were to update anything the first thing would probably be the video card.
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Post by RetroDosGames »

Intel laptop (8.1)
Intel HD graphic card
And now i have this crappy computer
Athlon XP (XP)
Saphire 9800 SE graphic card
That's all. I am not so good at computers. :(
DOS games are cool!
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God, Jesus, Mary!

Post by tienkhoanguyen »

RetroDosGames wrote:Intel laptop (8.1)
Intel HD graphic card
And now i have this crappy computer
Athlon XP (XP)
Saphire 9800 SE graphic card
That's all. I am not so good at computers. :(
Take perfect care of what you have.

Microsoft Windows XP is able to run DOS game through the DOS prompt.

It is also able to run DOS games natively.

Although you need a speed limiter like SloMo (real name).

There is a trial version that you can see to see if it works first.

On some machine like my VM it doesn't work.
God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe
Cheezits and Rice!hehe
Bless Cheezits and Rice!
Then please bless my mom.
Honour to my mom Huong Thi Vu
Honour to my dad Thuy Binh Nguyen
Love to cousin Carl Anh Cuong Cao Vu
Thank you Cheezits and Rice.
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Post by creepingnet »

Here's my crazy Armada of PC (and one token Macintosh) - oldest to newest (by age)...

1985 Tandy 1000A
-i8088 @4.77 Mhz
-640K RAM (256K on-board, 384K on exp. card)
-PC Jr/Enhanced CGA/TGA Video
-3 voice PC Jr/Tandy Sound
-1 360K Floppy Drive (5.25")
-540MB EIDE HDD on VCF XT-IDE controller
-MS-DOS 6.22 w/Optional Add-Ons
- Tandy 83-key proprietary keyboard
- Mostly used for DOS gaming and not much else of course, uses a 20" Color TV for a monitor

"GEM 286"
1989 GEM Computer Products "whitebox" AT Clone
- AT Clone Chassis, probably SongCheer or Kingspao
- Octek Fox II motherboard
- Intel 80286 10 MHz CPU overclocked to 12MHz (BIOS Glitch on FPU)
- ITT 802c86 12 MHz FPU (see above)
- 6144K RAM (4MB on Board, 2MB on Add-in RAMpAT card, all 30 pin SIMM)
- 1.44MB 3.5" & 1.2MB 5.25" floppies
- 540MB EIDE Hard Disk with DDO
- TSENG ET4000 SVGA ISA 1MB graphics
- SoundBlaster Vibra 16 Sound
- Linksys Etherfast 10mbps LAN card (Ethernet)
- MS-DOS 6.22/Win 1.01/2.03/3.0/3.1 (NEC OEM on 3.1)
- uses an IBM M47 14" CRT
- Laser AT Keyboard
- Microsoft 2-button Mouse
- DOS Gaming, Guitar Tabs, DOS Internet Access (for giggles), late 80's program file storage

1992 Compaq Portable 486c
- Lunchbox Case Design POrtable
- Intel 80486 DX2/66
- 48MB of RAM on Compaq Parity 72-pin SIMMS
- Built in (S)VGA with 640X480 TFT Active Matrix LCD (needs replaced, cracked, Compaq P/N 128902-001)
- Internal Speaker Sound (want a SB Pro or 16 card for it eventually)
- Linksys Etherfast 16 NIC (Ethernet)
- built-in LCD
- built-in PS/2 Compaq Keyboard
- External Microsoft PS/2 Explorer Trackball
- MS-DOS 6.22/Windows For Workgroups 3.11
- Fleshing out into a portable DOS gaming rig, have a cool WiFi plan for it

Frankenstein 486 built in 2012 out of 1994 era+ Parts (mostly)
- SongCheer XT clone Chassis
- FIC 486 PVT Socket 3 motherboard
- Intel 80486 DX2/66
- 64MB of RAM
- 1.44MB 3.5" & 1.2MB 5.25" Floppy Drives
- A internal removable HDD caddy system with a revolving door of various "huge" Hard drives ranging from 7.2GB to 120GB, all using Dynamic Drive overlays and holding different O/S
-- 7.2GB with Windows For Workgroups 3.11/MS-DOS 6.22 I use most of the time
-- 20GB with Windows 98 SE I use occasionally
-- 8GB soon to be used with Windows 95 OSR2
-- More drives coming as I experiment more
- S3 805 VLB Graphics Card, 1MB SVGA
- Creative SoundBlaster Pro 2 CT-1600
- SVEC PNC NIC (Ethernet)
- Chicony Alps Keyswitch Keyboard
- CTX 1994 era 14" Color CRT w/ Digital Controls
- Creative Speakers
- PC-TRAC Trackball (Microspeed)
- My main DOS/Win3x box, stays on 24/7, used for a TON of stuff including even a video game I'm programming ATM for fun

Frankenstein PC I Built myself in 2008
- Antec 300 BTX Case
- Abit AW9D Socket LG775 System Board
- Intel Pentium-D 3.4 GHz Presler, sometimes OC'd to 4GHz, Zalman Cooler
- 4GB DDR2 800Mhz RAM
- 1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive
- DVD-RW +R -R out of a Dell Precision 9400
- CF/SD/MicroSD/USB Card Media Bay
- USB 3.0 Expansion CArd
- NVIDIA 8800GT 512MB PCI-E Graphics
- Rocketfish 7.1 Sound Card
- Windows 7 64-bit Professional, Mint Linux (dual boot)
- My main computer, e-mails, work, play, whatever, recording, it doubles as a Digital Audio Workstation as well (I'm in bands and write/record my own music)

"Cute Old Mac"
Apple Macintosh SE FDHD
- Motorola 68000 CPU @ 8MHz
- 60MB HDD
- MAC OS/6
- Lots of Games
- Trackball, Mice, + 2 Keyboards, all Mac Stuff
- No networking
- Mostly kept as a convo piece but I do break it out to play Sim City or Leather Goddess of Phobos once in awhile
My DOS Boxen
1985 Tandy 1000A - 640K/540MB/8088/MS622
1989 GEM 286 - 6MB/540MB/286-12/MS622
1992 Compaq Portable 486c - 48M/256M/MS622
1995 Home Built 486 - 64M/8GB/DOS/WFWG/W95
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Compaq Portable III (286)

Post by ermockler »

Looking for some good games. Just brought it back to life 42MB hdd has Wordperfect, Lotus123, Other accounting stuff.

Runs the Wolf3d CGA demo.

I would like to find a playable wolf3d CGA.
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Post by 486 player »

Full was released only in VGA.
NO Windows, NO DOSBox, DOS!
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Post by doslover1997 »

my pc: i5 3350, 4gb ram ddr 3, gtx 750 ti 2gb :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Post by ankurelectricals »

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