Denied by EA :)

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Denied by EA :)

Post by emmzee »

I wrote to EA about two weeks ago asking if it was okay to post the original SimCity on ... here is their reply :)


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts about the use of SimCity on your website, and for your interest in our products.

EA's policy in this regard is to protect the intellectual property rights of its products for the entire life of their copyrights. Older titles, including Sims products, often carry current trademarks, and remain valuable assets of EA. With regard to your website,, we cannot authorize the use and/or offering of SimCity, or any EA title, for free download.

EA Online Piracy
Electronic Arts Inc.

Owell no SimCity for us apparently :rolleyes:
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Post by jmmijo »

Somehow I'm not surprised, especially when lawyer-speak like "IP" comes up in the reply :rolleyes:
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Post by Unknown_K »

I dont see why they would allow you to distribute for free thier old software. I think these companies have been getting alot of letters about old games, and probably noticed there is a thriving retro gaming comunity. thier best bet is to package all their old games onto a cd and sell it direct from their website to fans of their games. It would be mostly profit because there isnt that much work involved scanning the docs and burning the games onto a cd (maybe a custom installer would need to be made).
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Post by emmzee »

Reasons why they should WANT me to distribute their old game for free:

If they repackage it to sell it, they will most likely not be selling the original DOS version as part of the package. Why? It's too incompatible with modern computers. (The font looks messed up on many video cards, for instance.) They'd have to put up with a ton of user complaints and do tons of tech support because, realisticly, average Joe Computer User doesn't know how to make old DOS games work on their computer.

Additionally, by having people downloading and playing the old version, it's like free advertising for EA and the whole line of Sim games. Maybe someone hasn't played the original for years, and will say "Hmmm I wonder if they ever made any more Simcity games?" I think there are also versions available for Palm and/or PocketPC handhelds. (If there aren't I'm sure they'll be available soon.) It would be like free advertising for those platforms.

There's also the classic "abandonware" argument, that there would be no need to try to distribute these old games this way if the companies were still selling the games. But since they're not, there's no way to play these classic games anymore. Since the company doesn't want to sell them anymore, why not allow us to distribute them for free, as long as we're not selling them either?

Of course, I am not blind to EA's concerns, either. I think if it were MY intellectual property, I might be hesitant to allow people to just start passing it around for free. :)
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Post by Unknown_K »

people might get the old version try to play it and say boy this sucks ass, negative advertising.

The old if your not selling it I can steal it plea known as abandonware doesnt hold water to these companies.
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Post by Kazer0 »

Actually, I recently bought a "SimPack" at walmart. It had the original DOS-Version SimCity, and a few others- SimSafari, SimTower, SimCopter, SimIsle (This game sucks), and Streets of SimCity.
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Post by wardrich »

Emmzee: at least they were kind and polite about it.
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Post by emmzee »

Yea, I'm glad they actually responded. I tried awhile back to talk to someone about World Class Leader Board Golf (,2/gameId,448/ ) ... unfortunately Access was bought by Microsoft ... and its pretty much impossible to find anyone to talk to there about this kind of thing. :(

I wasn't aware of the "Sim pack" that Kazer mentioned. Well if they are still distributing that (or were recently) I applaud their efforts. :) I say again that I really do fully understand EA's reasons for their decision.
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Post by Da_Goat »

I tried contacting Activision (through e-mail and snail mail) for the Alter Ego games - not even a reply. :Angry:
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Post by wardrich »

there are a few sim packs available at Walmart. You can get 4 packs, or then there are a few 2 packs. I find that you can actually buy quite a few older games there. Hell, i saw Commande Blood there for like $12.00. I would have bought it, but the box was all dented and it looked like it had been open. Nevertheless, my grampa has the game so i could just borrow it off him again... lol
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Post by Unknown_K »

I think quite a few companies have the older games in greatest hits boxes these days. Trying to find a not so popular title from a company no longer around would be next to impossible.
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Post by Thunderdog »

I'll have to go to the Software section of the Walmart here... The only section I've been to is the Sporting goods section.
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Post by Splodginator »

I think I have the same SimPack- They come with no manual or anything. And the CD's are all in cheap paper holders.

By the way, EA's Tech Support is Hopeless- I tried to get help for Theme Park World (I think its also called SimTheme Park World) in XP, all I got was database errors. I went to another site and found out how to get it running.
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Post by Kazer0 »

Yep. Thats teh simpack.
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Post by 486 player »

Haven't thou tried Maxis? I think they has copyrights.
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Post by emmzee »

Maxis was bought by EA I believe ... if you go to you're redirected to EA's site.
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Post by Unknown_K »

yes, lots of consolidation in the PC games area
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Post by Splodginator »

EA bought Maxis. Last time I checked, Maxis' official site redirected to Lousy EA.
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Post by Homz »

Sorry, but I just had to ask this. I know it's entirely off-topic, but It doesn't deserve a topic of its own.

What do you have with the "thee's" and "thou's" 486_player? And you say you're 20?? It seems sort of immature for someone that old. Also, would someone 20 say, "I love DOS and hate Win" all the time?
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Post by Kazer0 »

Homz, thats what PMs are for.
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