Has anyone downloaded the Unreal Tournament Demo? I know UT 2003's coming out, but I'm talking about the first. It's so good. I played the demo for 10 minutes, and thought "I gotta buy this game!". That's how good it is. I'm pretty good at it, and I just SUCK at FPS's.
Reasons to buy it:
If you like playing augmented soldiers, blasting things.
If you like blasting other people.
If you like a good, fun game.
If you have a computer that can run it.
Reasons not to buy it:
If you hate hearing the screams of the dying.
Does anyone have an XBox? One of those things that would be nice to have but I just don't have the $$$ to justify buying (mostly just for Halo). I actually kind want a GameCube ...
But yeah UT is/was great ... UT2003 looks good too, unfortunately the style is a bit more Quake3-ish but it should still be tons of fun ... haven't played the full ver yet.
Owner / Webmaster of DOSGames.com for over 20 years
I have an Xbox.............and what's wrong with Quake 3? The best games (IMO) have been made with that engine.....Quake 3, Jedi Outcast....ok, 2 great games have been made with that engine.
Unreal Tournament 2003 is a fun game, but it does match the fun of the original UT. Looks and plays too much like quake 3, which I didnt care for too much.
We never actually reviewed Tyrain 2000. Plus, the point is for: Dosgaems to be reviewed, and eventually fxed up with pictures, and used for the pages. Just check out the sidescrolling section, and look at CK4. I wrote that review (My typing is real bad because I'm on a Mac, and their keyboards suck worse than Brass Eagle paintball markers, which don't just suck balls, they vigorously polish them with their tongues, while gently massaging them with their mouths.)