Looking for "Enchantasy: Quest For The Eternal Grimoire

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Looking for "Enchantasy: Quest For The Eternal Grimoire

Post by Zardus »

My little bro and I used to play a game that I am almost sure is called Enchantasy: Quest For The Eternal Grimoire (by EGA Computing). There is all sorts of info (mostly cheats) about it online, but no working downloads. The game was shareware, and had a download on the company's website that all the sites link to, but the company's website is no longer there. The download file was called enchants.exe on EGA Computing's website. I have searched through google and altavista and on the P2P networks and even downloads.com and AOL's download center (I think that's where I originally downloaded it years and years ago).

IIRC, the game was in white and blue on a black background. Some green and yellow might have gotten in there along the line too. You ran around in a top-down RPG view and killed monsters (such as bats) and ate food. That's pretty much all I can remember.

If anyone has the file or knows where to get it, I'd appreciate any sort of info. For now, it looks like this game has managed to drop off the net.

Thanks in advance
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King of the Carrot Flowers
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Post by Wally »

hi this fits the description of Dungeons of grimlor.. That game will be on my site soon...
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Post by Zardus »

Hmm... No, that's not it. The graphics looked kinda like the outside graphics of Ultima 1, but a bit different. After looking around, I'm almost certain that the name is "Enchantasy", but I still can't find a download :-(
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Post by Zardus »

I dug up some just a bit more info.. The game was published in "Only the Best Win95 Games #5" (just the shareware version of it, but even that would be awesome). Anyone happen to have that CD?

Also, someone IMed me about a week ago about it, but I haven't been able to get online much lately. If you located it, can you PM me?

great game

Post by Frantoll »

I downloaded this and paid for the key and played it through. Really fun game if you liked the old Ultima (or in my case, Questron). I had a brief e-mail exchange with EGA and he confirmed that he was indeed on the credits for Questron, so that explains some of the similarity.

If I ever find a copy of the game or a key I'll post it. I loved that game. I wonder what happened to the guy who developed it.

Post by Guest »

I played that game as well, definetly enchantasy. I also downloaded it from aol, but I can't find it anywhere. Sorry I cant help.

Post by Guest »

Yea really good game I have a freeware copy of it on my comp at home but it's saved midgame, really like to have the fresh unsaved freeware version or even better the acctual game. I'll email aol and see if its kicking around that's the site I originally got it off of like 100 years ago. If I ever get it I'll post a link or something for it here. But if anybody allready has it post something here for sure i've been looking for that game forever.

Enchantasy: Quest for the Eternal Grimoire

Post by AutumnWindsong »

I actually have a copy of it saved, but the problem is, I don't have a code key. I'm looking for one myself. :( The internet can be a strange animal. LOL.
Jouten Jinzounin

I have it

Post by Jouten Jinzounin »

I have enchantasy, anyone who wants it please email me at:

jinz0un1n {AT} sbcglobal [D0T] N-E-T.

I will get you hooked up with infinite saves(or close to, I can get up to I believe 9999 saves, as I can hex edit it easily.) the game is full to it's originality and I believe I have one game which has nothing done yet so you can restart it. I'm actually looking to create an online version, not sure yet what program would be good for remaking it.. The idea is to create an online version and hopefully a new online version, both running at the same time so you can try a new experience with new graphics which plays like the old one, or the same old experience online. All depends, if anyone wishes to help and has any programming experience it would be very appreciated. Even if you have played the game, that would be very appreciated as well. Anyways, you have my email, what are you waiting for?

[MOD EDIT: Email address edited to prevent spam]

Post by Guest »

watch when you put your email on to forums because you could get spamed :shifty:
Jouten Jinzounin

Post by Jouten Jinzounin »

Thanks for editting the address, didn't really think about the spam.. Anyone here have any idea where Rick Abel went? Seems him and Ega split, and some went on to do work in Spidweb Software. I'm still unsure if Rick works for Spidweb, but if you play any of the Exiles, you'll realize its mainly a more modernized version of Enchantasy. Fun games, but they still don't match up to Enchantasy.

I have a clean copy of Enchantasy.

Post by AutumnWindsong »

I can get you a copy of it, but I don't have the code to play it for a long time. There are only 5 saves that come with the game.

Jouten Jinzounin

Post by Jouten Jinzounin »

That isn't necessary... Since like I just said I have editted it so it has basically 30,000 saves.


Post by AutumnWindsong »

Is there an easy way to edit the game, or are you able to share the edited version? :)


I miss that game

Post by Guest »

I emailed the person who posted that he had it in it's entirety. I used to looooove that game and since have been trying to find it on the internet. All the links that I have been given give me false hope. I think the page is going to pop up and let me download the game but it always ends up saying "sorry we can not find the page" ugh... I have given up hope for today.. but I'm happy I found this post. I hope I get the link soon. Having that game will pass long boring hours at work. hehee

Saves editing help

Post by Guest »

Can someone post how to edit the game so that I have more saves? I've got the shareware version but I don;t have anymore saves.

Post by Guest »

This topic has probably died down now, but if any of you guys still have the game plz send it to <snip> @gmail.com I would love to have the game.

Post by MysteryGamer »

I just googled "enchants.zip" and found the Enchantasy game on a site in Finland! It's the original shareware and it works! Woohoo!! I got it working with sound on Windows XP with DOSBox freeware. So now everyone can start from scratch and play the game for 5 saves, unless you know how to get the 30K saves ;)

Post by Guest »

Thanks a SOOOOOOOO much for finding it. I would like to know if it is possiable to run this on a XP machine. I try to run it and i get some weird symbols instead of Letters. Anyone know how to fix?

Post by Guest »

download DoxBox . Just google it, its a program that emulates dos so you can play older dos games. I was wondering if anyone out there could show me how to hex edit the saves, and also its been YEARS since ive played this game, any idea on how to get past lvl 1. :P anyway, good luck all