Saddam Hussian Captured

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Saddam Hussian Captured

Post by Dogbreath » ... raq_saddam

Well... that's interesting. I wonder what the Iraqis will do with him?
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Post by wardrich »

When I first saw the pic that Joris sent me, I thought he looke a LOT like Santa...

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Post by Dogbreath »

Santa Claus comes around and throws you into dungeons where he rips the fingernails off of children so they'll tell on their parents! Wheefun...
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Post by denrix »

I kinda feel sorry for the guy. he looks absolutely pitiful. :(
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Post by Dogbreath »

I feel kinda sorry for the millions of kurds he murdered... children look kind of pitiful all strewn about breaking their own backs with seasures from mustard gas and vomiting their own intestines...
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Post by lakerzz8 »

Lets cut off his dick, put a rusty nail through his tongue, dont feed him until he dies, and cut off his arm and one leg!
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Post by Oz »

This just in: Saddam Wallhacked by Marines

Quote from george bush:

"well tough shit, he was camping."
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Post by Thunderdog »

I see no need to give him any kind of punishment. He's perfectly welcome to work as Santa Clause at the Eastfield mall. He has all of the qualifications.
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Post by Splodginator »

I say either choke him on tobacco smoke or put some TNT in his stomach and watch that flub fly!
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Post by Core_12 »

An eye for an eye! Let's rip off his fingernails, put him in a gas chamber, hang him high, spread some bullets and make him eat his own intestins!

(after that he can work in the mall (if capable to...))
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Post by Ro@m »

wow,you should write a book "how to kill sadam hussein in 100 ways"! LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Unknown_K »

He will be tried in his country so they can show the world and their own people all the crap he did to them and to his neighbors (kuweit and iran). This would probably take up 6 months and include the leading members of his party that are still alive and captured. After the trial they will probably all be shot.

His capture will not end the violence because his people are too proud to have a conqueror (the US and allies) doing whatever they want in their country. There are also the Islamic instigators causing trouble.

Personally I think we should have left sadam in power as long as he sold us oil cheap and didnt invade his neighbors anymore. Iraq will end up a screwed up country run by islamic extremists who will do more harm to the population then Sadam ever could have dreamed off. In all this cost the US alot of money (too much if you ask me) and we will be worse off then when we started. Im not even going to harp on the fact that sadam had nothing to do with 9/11 and the people who did are still walking around free planning more surprises. Bush is saying that Sadam needed to be removed because he was a tyrant that killed his own people. Well what about china, russia, north korea, etc that do the same thing?

Unlike the first gulf war when the Iraqi army got totally destroyed this last war wasnt very horrific. A few people got killed and the rest ran away. History shows that a country totally defeated in war (with large amounts of destruction and bloodshed) tends to quietly get its act back together because it fears having another go at war (germany, japan, france, italy, etc). Countries who lose a bloodless war tend to not know they lost and keep fighting in other ways. The war is only over when the defeated admit defeat, this hasnt happened in Iraq.

Anyway I dont feal sorry for a sack of shit that caused so much damage to others for the hell of it. I am sure if the russians would have caught hitler in 1945 he would have looked rather pathetic with parkinsons disease and all, but I dont think the russians he murdered of the jews he stuffed into ovens would have taken pitty on him.
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Post by Dopefish »

So what's he being tried for anyway?

I still don't think we should have gone to Iraq, we were there to get their weapons of mass destruction, not to stop him personally. It wasn't like the people were having a revolution and we assisted them, it was a coup d'etat.
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Post by Bobo »

What were seeing now is the tip of the iceburg.
Finallization of Iraq is going to be quickend. -Now that the people KNOW he's gone. We got alot of weapons, terrorists, and all in all we removed mass killers; of us and future us as well.

Can somone put a pic of sadamn on here?
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Post by Dogbreath »

He's not being tried by the U.S.-they're treating him as a P.O.W. As soon as his personal safety (there are a lot of lynch mobs in the street) can be secured he'll either be:

1. Turned over to an Iraqi court to be tried for crimes against their people (i.e, the mass murders, tortures, ethnic cleansings... he's killed over a million people in his own country alone)

or 2. Be submitted to a U.N. tribunal.
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Post by Unknown_K »

Bobo wrote:What were seeing now is the tip of the iceburg.
Finallization of Iraq is going to be quickend. -Now that the people KNOW he's gone. We got alot of weapons, terrorists, and all in all we removed mass killers; of us and future us as well.

Can somone put a pic of sadamn on here?
The people were happy for a day and went back to complaining about low pay or no jobs and crappy utilities. 50%+ of the new Iraqi army has already deserted because of the very low pay. Being in the police force is a good way to get killed from a car bomb.

To be honest in most cases where your country is made up of many different religions or ethnic backgrounds that cant stand each other the only way to keep it together is to have a dictator running things. Fear is a very good tool to keep people following the party line and has worked in many countries for long periods of time. Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, India are a few of the countries that were drawn up on a map by some foreighner that went into civil war when the ruling dictatorship went away (be it comunism, colonial government, army rule). The only thing you can do is let the country splinter or have another dictator gain power and break some heads. Since iraq doesnt have an army anymore it will splinter just like afghanistan where the government only controls the capital and the provinces are rules by the local military bigshots, drug barrons, or extremist religious fanatics. Come to think of it britain is mostly responsible for the creation of a jewish state in palestine, the afghanistan nation, Iraq borders, India, and the creation of yugoslavia after WWI from parts of the austo hungarian empire and serbia (nationbuilding is a very bad thing).

Dont forget the majority of people will follow anybody in the area that flexes muscle, why do you think sadam got away with supressing the majority shiites when he is sunni muslim.
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Kill a dictator and you find another takes his place in time.
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Post by Unknown_K »

SHOETAQUILLA wrote:Kill a dictator and you find another takes his place in time.
Only if you didnt solve the problems that allowed the dictator to get into power in the first place.

A corrupt and worthless elected government is what allowed Sadam, Hitler, Stalin, Musolini, and Castro to get into the position of taking over in their countries.
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Post by Oz »

i think tht america shouldn't have been so bomb-happy on iraq. now look at the mess... and i bet they won't contribute proportiately.
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