Please note that my emphasis for the new design is usabiliy and features, not necessarily "looks". I hope that the design looks okay, but I'd appreciate it if the focus of this thread could remain on possible features and/or usability issues if at all possible.

The main feature of the new design is that it will be driven by a mySQL database, rather than static HTML pages. This means that many new features are available, like:
<li>Much easier to find games. Several new ways to find games besides category, such as by letter, by year, by company name ...</li>
<li>Search functionality! The current "" solution doesn't really work well.</li>
<li>User reviews: Users can add their own ratings of games. In theory (although I haven't really tested this yet) your login for posting reviews will be the same as your forum login ... ie you register once to post reviews and access the forum.</li>
<li>An easier to navigate design. (And, although you can't really see it, much less sloppy html code)</li>
<li>More information about each game</li>
<li>Expandability to add new features later ...</li>
Blah blah blah. Look at:
Please note that if the site is redesigned it will be a long, difficult process that will not be completed any time soon. Re-adding all of the games into the database will not be a quick and easy task.

Anyways, please let me know what you think needs improving. Thanks!!

Oh also ... please test this link:
If you're logged into the forum, it should display a whole bunch of user info about you ... if you're not logged in, it should say so. (Testing integration features

Thanks again, and merry Christmas all!