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Post by Interon »

What does pwned mean?
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Post by Kazer0 »

na010894 wrote:Is New Brunswick the only Official Bilingual Province?

A while back, some political guy wanted to make ALL CANADIAN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES bilingual. He failed to do that. Of course, the federal government is bilingual but most provinces are not.
Where the fuck are you getting your info? ALL of CANADA IS BILINGUAL. Learn aboust something before you talk. Pierre Trudeau instituted bilingualism sucessfully.

Post by Interon »

Relax, Kazer0! You don't need to use foul language when you disagree with me.

Yes, the FEDERAL government is bilingual. But that does not automatically make the PROVINCES bilingual. Or the CITIES AND TOWNS bilingual.

Well, then, why did someone lobby to make the provinces bilingual if they already are. This happened in the early 2000s. Some dude argued that all the provinces should be bilingual. If they already were, why would he bother making an issue of it? He would already be satisfied.

On New Brunswick license plates, it says New Brunswick AND Nouveau-Brunswick. But in Newfoundland, plates only say Newfoundland and Labrador. Why can't they say Terre-Neuve et Labrador?

Look at the and see if you can view it in French (I saw only small pieces of it in French. If Newfoundland was bilingual, the entire site would have to be available in French).

Look at this one too (my hometown).

And our Stop signs. They only say Stop. And other traffic signs. They are English only.

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Post by denrix »

na010894 wrote:What does pwned mean?
pwned is a 1337 term, used instead of owned, or got you, or raped you, or something like that. look it up in the Urban Dictionary. ... =pwned&f=1
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Post by Kazer0 »

na010894 wrote:Relax, Kazer0! You don't need to use foul language when you disagree with me.

Yes, the FEDERAL government is bilingual. But that does not automatically make the PROVINCES bilingual. Or the CITIES AND TOWNS bilingual.

Well, then, why did someone lobby to make the provinces bilingual if they already are. This happened in the early 2000s. Some dude argued that all the provinces should be bilingual. If they already were, why would he bother making an issue of it? He would already be satisfied.

On New Brunswick license plates, it says New Brunswick AND Nouveau-Brunswick. But in Newfoundland, plates only say Newfoundland and Labrador. Why can't they say Terre-Neuve et Labrador?

Look at the and see if you can view it in French (I saw only small pieces of it in French. If Newfoundland was bilingual, the entire site would have to be available in French).

Look at this one too (my hometown).

And our Stop signs. They only say Stop. And other traffic signs. They are English only.

I hate lying and I try to avoid it at all costs.
Despite what you may think, Pierre Trudeau instituted National Bilinguialism. EVERYWHERE in Canada is bilingual, weither you like it or not.

Post by Interon »

Well, then, the Newfoundland Government better get their act straight, if you are right. Put Stop/Arret on all the stop signs. Make all of their web site in English and French. Put Terre-Neuve et Labrador on the license plates. And maybe hundreds of things.

Thorburn Road. Where is Chemin Thorburn?
Water Street. Where is Rue d'Eau?
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Where is gouvernment du Terre-Neuve et Labrador?

Please explain how the Newfoundland government is bilingual and at the same time dodged all these things. If they were, wouldn't they be forced to translate their web site? And put Stop/Arret on the stop signs?
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Post by Wally »

this has gone way off topic :P

Post by Interon »

Of course, isn't that normal for this forum?
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Post by Wally »

:) :)

I know that :laugh:

its normal for krazer0 and dnirex to go off topic
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Post by Kazer0 »

Uh, wally stop talking. I am never the cause of offtopicness.

And stop signs only have to be a red octagon. You can put whatever words you want on it. And the only requirement for english/french is commercial products. Go look at your neutral flavoured fruit loops box (Cherrio's)
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Post by Wally »

you mean the low cost bilo Black and gold brand?
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Post by Kazer0 »

No I don't.
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Post by Wally »

what do you mean
I have never seen 'Cherrios' On the supermarket shelf..

Unless i am looking in the wrong place

BTW I would never see 'Captain Crunch' on our supermarket shelfs in victoria. I think NSW has it
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Post by wardrich »

na010894 wrote:What does pwned mean?
pwnd is the same pwnt, which is 1337 for Owned, which is slang for something that dominates something else.


Post by Interon »

Like the United States pwnd Iraq?
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Post by Dogbreath »

Kazer0 wrote:Uh, wally stop talking. I am never the cause of offtopicness.
Yes you are. *TBBBBBTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!* *thumb in ear*
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Post by denrix »

wow! a quick reply dialog! well done! it was tiem you got one. I have patched the GH Clan copy with one a long time ago. well worth it.
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Post by Kazer0 »

Uh... DB: No im not. Im never the cause, although I do participate in it.
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Post by Da_Goat »

You know, I'v never had roasted squirrel. It would probably be okay with barbecue sauce.
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