Also I would like some scrolling credits probably in the about box that needs making also it will have to pop up in another window.
This is the code
Code: Select all
Dim rst As String
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub CallAdd()
'Dim Database As Data
'Do Until Database.Recordset.EOF
'Combo1.AddItem Database.Recordset.Fields(Index)
End Sub
Private Sub Text8_Change()
Do Until rst.EOF
' Always test for nulls
If Not IsNull(rst!Desc) Then List1.AddItem rst!Desc
If Not IsNull(rst!UomID) Then List1.ItemData(cbo.NewIndex) = rst!UomID
' Forget the movenext and you get an end
' less loop and
' an overflow error.
End Sub
If you manage to get it working with one of the options up the top please email the source to me in a winzip file. (email is [email protected])
And you will instantly be added to the credits otherwise you can add yourself there
Sorry, messy form was driving me nuts... don't kill me for indenting and fixing. --Richard
Richard.. You made a mistake by removing a D - Wally