I was tinkering with one my my old computers (dos laptop, early 80s, 4'x3', 10 pounds), and I came acrossed some old games. REALLY OLD GAMES. And there it was Dig-Doug, Frogger, Test Drive 1... (all full-version)
But the only problem is- I can only get them onto 7" floppies.
Webmaster- <a href="http://www.dosgames.com/~bobo">Bobo's DOSGames</a>
^ Biggest Dos 3D Shooters site in the World!
Total Games = <b>201</b>
Over <b>100900</b> Downloads since 2004
Webmaster- <a href="http://www.dosgames.com/~bobo">Bobo's DOSGames</a>
^ Biggest Dos 3D Shooters site in the World!
Total Games = <b>201</b>
Over <b>100900</b> Downloads since 2004
About the size of an adult hand, fingers spread out...
The darn thing is so old... trying.
Isn't Dig-Dug one of the most sought dos game out there? or what is?
Webmaster- <a href="http://www.dosgames.com/~bobo">Bobo's DOSGames</a>
^ Biggest Dos 3D Shooters site in the World!
Total Games = <b>201</b>
Over <b>100900</b> Downloads since 2004