Ender's Game

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Ender's Game

Post by Da_Goat »

Has anybody read this book?

I'm not too far on it (only about 1/4), but it was one of the best 1/4 of a book I've ever read.
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Post by Oz »

unfortunately, no, i'm not gonna spend money on it, and it's not in my library. pity, i've heard good reviews. isn't there like 5 books in the series, though?
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Post by Da_Goat »

Yes, and then there's a parallel series. The first book of the Ender's Shadow series tells the same story of the Ender's Game series, but through a different persons perspective.

Right now, though, I've only read 1/4 of Ender's Game, but I'll probably read both series in completion.
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Hi Da goat

Post by Wally »

whats this book about ???
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Post by Wally »

whos the author of this series???
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Post by Da_Goat »

Orson Scott Card wrote it. You can read little things from a Google search if you want to know what it's about. I finished it a week ago. It's a classic, up with The Hobbit and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (though this is Sci-fi, not fantasy or, um, theoretical scifi/humor, I guess....)
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Post by Dogbreath »

I finished it yesterday... pretty good, though I wouldn't rate it as high as the classics. But Orson Card does have a way of telling the truth so potently through his stories that it's impossible to read Ender's Game and not be changed somehow, and that's mainly what makes him so good.

What perspective is "Enders Shadow" set from?
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Post by Dogbreath »

whats this book about ???
Near future Sci-Fi, 2070-2100 AD. Basically, the story is set in an Elite Children's Military school for the brightest minds of the time, playing out an alien invasion story. But the entire story really wraps around a "toy" computer game that Ender uses... and with it the Author more or less uses it to uniquely describe human nature and how we try to better ourselves. More philosophy rather than Sci-Fi, and needs to be read with a great deal of concentration (much of the story only makes sense at the end/the true meaning of this book are usually hidden allegories), but as I said, you can't read this book and not be moved somehow.
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Post by Da_Goat »

Dogbreath wrote:What perspective is "Enders Shadow" set from?
Bean's. Don't worry, it's not a repeat of Ender's Game if that's what you're thinking. It's the same time, and they have the same conversations, but the Bean series goes in a completely different direction.

The author reccomends reading Ender's Game, then the entire Bean series, then "Speaker for the Dead" (2nd book of Ender's series) to the last of Ender's series. That's the chronological order. Unfortunately, unless your a slow reader, you may have to mix it up a little since the last book of Bean's isn't out yet.
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Post by denrix »

I have read the Game, and I loved it. I am reading the Shadow, and I'm loving it too.
For anyone who's too much of a bastard to buy the book, get em here:
no illegal links, dnirex

they are some of the best books ever. Period.
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Post by radray11 »

yea, if you also read some other bolognae, They apparently have been wanting to make a movie out of it for the last... umm.. 3 years now...

... believe me, movies have been made similarily to the plot of this story, so I wouldn't expect it for another few years (most gossip sites tend to say They are supposedly looking for the director... how's about this: do they even have a storyboard?)
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Post by dr_st »

I read Ender's Game and enjoyed it. Still haven't got the opportunity to read the other books in the series, though.
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Post by radray11 »

I love the first one :D
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Ender's Game

Post by dr_st »

dr_st wrote: I read Ender's Game and enjoyed it. Still haven't got the opportunity to read the other books in the series, though.
20 years later... I did read all the books. I think the original series should have stopped after "Speaker for the Dead", TBH. The Shadow series is alright.
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Ender's Game

Post by Rwolf »

I've read the Ender's and part of Shadow's series of books long ago; I recall the protagonists initial young age and their actions were implausible, but it had to be ignored for the story to work. I wonder a bit how the movie adaption worked out, as I haven't seen it yet.
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