Here's the question: Are you religious?
And, here's some insight for all Christians and non-Christians; even antichristians:

Yes, whether you like it or not.Venator wrote:Does logic and science have 100% of all knowledge that exists anywhere and everywhere?
Science does not, first of all because there is still quite a lot that science cannot explain yet, and secondly because there is a lot that science may never be able to explain.Does logic and science have 100% of all knowledge that exists anywhere and everywhere?
Yes, whether you like it or not.
Some would suggest that the attention span of out current generation is approximately 3 seconds.That's a fairly dumb simile since the goldfish could easily determine that there is existance outside of the tank if it wasn't for the fact that their attention span only lasts 3 seconds.
We should be careful here with our terms. I doubt that many people today seriously believe in polytheism, ie "gods". I would be interested in hearing how science can disprove God's existance. (Singular, in the monotheism sense.) From my understanding, it is not possible to prove that God does not exist, whether it be using philisophical or scientific arguments. I've read some debates between theists and athiests and the athiests usually make a disclaimer during their opening remarks that they cannot conclusively disprove God's existence. This is why athiesm is often considered a faith of its own, since its main belief cannot be proven.I feel that all religions with the exeption of the ones void of dieties can be disproved with logic and science. ..... There's tons of scientific evidence that disproves any religion involving gods.
If all religions are just philosophies, then I want no part of them. If the Bible is a made up book of stories and flights of fantasy ... if Jesus was not risen, then there's no reason to believe it over any other faith. But the fact is that, in my opinion, a world where God exists is preferrable to one where God does not. Of course, this brings up the question of "Who's right?" Theres a whole bunch of religions out there: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, "New Age", Mormonism, Muslim, Hindu ... even Scientology.I believe that all religions initially began as philosophies and guidelines for living a healthy life.
The key word was initially began. But on topic, either way thank goodness that my words were of my own personal opinion. Not trying to start anything.emmzee wrote:If all religions are just philosophies, then I want no part of them.I believe that all religions initially began as philosophies and guidelines for living a healthy life.
Um, according to (and practically everything elseI am not 'religious', because that would mean that I have every single religion "going on", and serve multiple gods....
I don't know of any evidence that disproves God. Gives alternate possibilities, yes, but that doesn't make the theory of God illogical.There's tons of scientific evidence that disproves any religion involving gods.
Have you actually read the Bible, or are you just relying on what you've heard? If it's the former, please show me one contradiction. If it's the latter, please shut up.What I don't get are fundamentalists who believe everything in the bible is literal truth, it contradicts itself and has too many inacuracies for that to be true.
Now, now, emmzee, let's not get snarky. I know I wouldn't want you rolling your eyes at my religion. Also, I believe by their own definition and classification (and if we're not going to mind their definitions while discussing them, who's definitions should we use?), LDS falls under "Christianity".Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, "New Age", Mormonism, Muslim, Hindu ... even Scientology.![]()
This website disproves all Yaweh-based religions.Da_Goat wrote:I don't know of any evidence that disproves God. Gives alternate possibilities, yes, but that doesn't make the theory of God illogical.There's tons of scientific evidence that disproves any religion involving gods.
I actually have read the bible (well, I stoped at the part of the New Testament where they just write letters to churches and boring stuff like that, it was more dull than reading all those measurments for stuff in the Old Testament). You want an example of a contradiction? Jesus was a popular guy, so popular that the Roman government had to capture him in a sneaky manner. Then when they ask the people if they want him to go free, they decide it would be better to release some random other guy. What's up with that!?Have you actually read the Bible, or are you just relying on what you've heard? If it's the former, please show me one contradiction. If it's the latter, please shut up.What I don't get are fundamentalists who believe everything in the bible is literal truth, it contradicts itself and has too many inacuracies for that to be true.
Read these. Scientists really do believe in evolution. Fossil evidence alone proves evolution, unless you think radioactive dating is wrong and that all other forms of humans and animals died in "the great flood" or something (which the above link disproves). There's also the ice ages for which there is massive geological evidence for but go against the bible.Besides, it seems rather silly to use contradictions as an excuse for disproving the Bible if you put the amount of faith it appears you do in science. Or do you believe that all scientists agree on the evolutionary process? Or even the theory of evolution to begin with?
That's a shame. The letters are really what tie a lot of the Bible together.I actually have read the bible (well, I stoped at the part of the New Testament where they just write letters to churches and boring stuff like that, it was more dull than reading all those measurments for stuff in the Old Testament).
What? Which Bible did you read? The majority of the Jews did have a problem with Jesus throughout the New Testament. And are you trying to say that Jesus never existed? Because, while it's true no direct evidence has ever been found, most historians (Christians, atheists, or otherwise) do believe he lived.Jesus was a popular guy, so popular that the Roman government had to capture him in a sneaky manner. Then when they ask the people if they want him to go free, they decide it would be better to release some random other guy. What's up with that!?
...Dinosours don't fit in with the fundamentalist view because humans were already alive after less than a week since the world began. You could say that dinosours and humans lived at the same time for a while but radioactive dating proves otherwise.
Yes, most scientists do believe in evolution. But even then, there are numerous disagreements about how evolution could come about. If you look at the original Darwinian theory, and then at the most widely-accepted belief in evolution today, many of the teachings are incredibly different.Scientists really do believe in evolution. Fossil evidence alone proves evolution, unless you think radioactive dating is wrong and that all other forms of humans and animals died in "the great flood" or something (which the above link disproves). There's also the ice ages for which there is massive geological evidence for but go against the bible.
God spoke to the all of the bible's authors? Not likely, even in the eyes of fundamentalists. I was under impression that there were only a few prophets, like Moses or Mohammad. That brings me to another point; why Christianity instead of Islam or Mormon (both are just Judaism v3.0 like Christianity is v2.0)?radray11 wrote:But God spoke to these writers. Also, these writers were very much like you and me (the only difference is that they had 100% of God's attention. That's still possible today... also, they were sinners, just like you and me.)
The only reason they have the big bang theory is that they don't know the truth... Ask your science teacher if he/she knows God (I know mine got all stiff about it)...
What really interests me is the fact that they can prove all this stuff, yet they can't prove this big bang... theories... guess what? A lot of old scientists have made error on theory, because there is always a new discovery to correct it. Maybe it's time they actually read the bible... I doubt they have ever.