Graphics:Well it is 2D but the buildings look
different from civilization to civilization,
it are the details that make it,but the units
look the same in every nation,except the
special units that each nation can make.
i'll give 8/10
Music:it is great,in the campain you are
hearing the music from the nation you are
playing with,also in random games.
Sound:every nation has different sound
schemes,but the Franks and the Teutons
have almost the same.
Options:AOE has many options when you want
to play a random game,like starting age,
nationality,starting resources,etc.
Gameplay:There are a lot of missions in
campains,24 excluding the tutorial,
it is a lot of playing,then you
have multiplaying on the zone,and over
Overall:A nice game to have in your
collection.I'll give it 10/10
This is my first reviev so don't be mad if
I have left something out.