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Post by Quatroking »

ey, i gonna make a list here from all games that have dopefish in it.

Commander keen 4-6 (monster)
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret Files (first level u see on a sign: "ate the dopefish!")
Dangurous Dave (can't remember where, and im not sure)
Pacman (come as monster,i dunno what version)

u can see i don't know much dopefish games!
so post here the game you found dopefish in!
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Post by Dosser »
lists the history of the dopefish and all of it's appearences as well as links to some dopey-related files such as the all-your-base style flash movie and the 'eat your veggies' theme song.

Where was Dopey in Commander Keen 5 and 6 by the way?
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Post by Gamer_V »

The secret room in Max Payne, Dopefish Forever!
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robhofen wrote:no warcraft is a rip off of age of empires and so are a lot of other games
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Larry Laffer wrote:Your people are n00bs :laugh:
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Post by Wally »

I dont think he was in keen 5 and 6..

Seeing he is so popular why didnt apogee make a game based on him?

Dopefish's deep sea adventure. Would sorta be like crash bandicoot. What happened to the virtual diving games?
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Post by Gamer_V »

There would have been a commander keen 3d, just like Super Mario 64 (only earlier!) if they didn't make that nice 3d shooter. (Wolfenstein or Doom, not sure)
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding="1" border="0"><TR><TD width="50%">
robhofen wrote:no warcraft is a rip off of age of empires and so are a lot of other games
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Larry Laffer wrote:Your people are n00bs :laugh:
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Post by Mingy Jongo »

He has a secret cameo in Wacky Wheels.
-Mingy Jongo: Crafty Shaman Impersonator
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Post by 486 player »

Wally*Won_Kenobie wrote: why didnt apogee make a game based on him?
id has rights.
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Post by Gamer_V »

And in Duke3d. And in Quake... Sort of in Hitman... it's all on, so just paste it here. :P

Don't actually do that. It's copyrighted.
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding="1" border="0"><TR><TD width="50%">
robhofen wrote:no warcraft is a rip off of age of empires and so are a lot of other games
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Larry Laffer wrote:Your people are n00bs :laugh:
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Post by GameGirl100 »

There is a Dopefish WinAmp skin, I have it.
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