Ah Sure did come on mah own accord....
And I'm definitly interested in this ickle contest.
Though I couldn't really remember any books I pressingly wanted to own, I found a couple box sets that are way below price ranges...Light reads, but good none-the-less, as I can't remember any others...Oh, and one book that I really love......
This looks like a lot, but it's actually only three....And I know the rules...I'm just keeping my options open....
We're well aware of that, Franpa. I'll have to ask if you'll be so kind as to move your pinky a centimeter or so, and turn off your caps lock for us. That'd be grand.
DOSgames IRC is back! now with DOS Trivia!
Server: irc.p2p-network.net
Channel: #DOSgames
For mIRC users: irc://irc.p2p-network.net/DOSgames
Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
DOSgames IRC is back! now with DOS Trivia!
Server: irc.p2p-network.net
Channel: #DOSgames
For mIRC users: irc://irc.p2p-network.net/DOSgames
Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
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I-ANAL is a Usenet and chat abbreviation (acronym) for "I am not a lawyer." A similar abbreviation, TINLA, stands for "This is not legal advice."
DOSgames IRC is back! now with DOS Trivia!
Server: irc.p2p-network.net
Channel: #DOSgames
For mIRC users: irc://irc.p2p-network.net/DOSgames
Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
Yea I'll wait until sometime tomorrow (Sunday) and then lock this post, and choose the two winners. BTW, I sent out an email to (former) regulars who hadn't posted for the contest yet, telling 'em to get in here and post (ex. moo, Amro; above) ... and hopefully come back to the forums permanently
Owner / Webmaster of DOSGames.com for over 20 years
I'll come back. I got in a tizzy with being in a play and work and all. Now that the play is over, thank god, I should visit more often, but no promises. Oh yea, good luck everyone.