Space for uploaded pictures, files.

Forum for all the suggestions that have 1. nothing to do with our two websites ( DosGamesArchive) and 2. are not bug reports.
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Space for uploaded pictures, files.

Post by NeonAmd64 »

The site is perfect but there is somthing missing. If someone would like to share files or pictures or a game that is one of your members created what would he do. :karate:

Look at what he is gona do:
He will go to a free web host and register in that site.Then, he has to to upload his files. after that, he has to get into the forum and post a new one. Put the words on the line. Do spell and grammar checking. Then he puts the link to his files. Finaly, He had finished his post unless :o there were problems like the links weren't correct or the free web host has a limited bandwidth or the file is too big to be uploaded. :cry:

What I suggest is that ..... if you can put a free area for uploading files so that it can be shared by memebers directly. :)
As a result, you will not lose any of your memebers. :)

Another thing I would like to talk about.
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Post by SpaceFans »

That a Good Idea :thumbsup:
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Post by The_Sinister_Mastermind »

Here's a better idea, Image Shack.
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Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
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Post by HappyHarvick29 »

Or any of the numerous free upload sites. :D
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Post by The_Sinister_Mastermind »

Indeed, NeonAmd64 while it was a good idea, it's really unnecessary.
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Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
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Post by Kazer0 »

Not to mention expensive. Back wehn I ran a reseller account, one forum of 90 people ate over 8gb in a month just on uploaded avatars. Emmjzee gets millions of visitors a month already, how much do you think his would skyrocket?

(Not to mention the couple grand of hits he gets by hosting my website)

Post by Guest »

yea you would have to get people pay to be members to support that :shifty:
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Post by Wally »

I agree with all the objections

Use Deviant Art for Images.

Geocities, MSN, etc etc for games.

No big deal there
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