GAMER got her book yesterday or the day before, I’m not sure, but when I was talking to her on MSN yesterday evening she had it, so all is well. Oh and you can feel free to worship me if you like as well, though I prefer it when my minions cower in fear.
OOC: 178 posts until I hit 2k, hrmm I wonder if it'll cause mass hysteria like Y2K did. Only time will tell I guess.
<center>I am the master, fear none but me. I am the master of all that will be...
DOSgames IRC is back! now with DOS Trivia!
Channel: #DOSgames
For mIRC users: irc://
Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
Dogbreath wrote:Just so you know, when it does come you *must* post a picture here of you holding your book in one hand, smiling, and holding a sign that says "I love emmzee and worship him as my dark master, DOSGAMES BE PRAISED" in the other.
Ah man, I got my boook weeks or someting ago and I didn't do that...........
DOSgames IRC is back! now with DOS Trivia!
Channel: #DOSgames
For mIRC users: irc://
Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
DOSgames IRC is back! now with DOS Trivia!
Channel: #DOSgames
For mIRC users: irc://
Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
Glad to hear you received it. Guess this thread will be locked ... possibily another contest will be happening this summer, depends how busy I am with working nstuff.
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