I'm looking for an old game I used to like that we had on our computer some 10 or something years ago. It's a kind of space shooter game where you control a little white ship that looks like one of those tie fighters off star wars, and you have to move about each level in a maze of some shape and shoot down another ship that looks just like it. And when you shoot, it fires up down left and right.
If anyone knows the name of this old game or any info at all please tell me.
Thank you
Tie fighter game
Re: Tie fighter game
that's the name of the game."TIE FIGHTER".It is a starwars game.try looking up lucas arts.This is the first of two games,the second game is called"X-WING VS TIE FIGHTER.BEST BUY use to carry these games also try Fry's Electronics,they carry all the old games.let me know if you find it.Please note that these games only came on 3.5 floppy's.Guest wrote:Hi,
I'm looking for an old game I used to like that we had on our computer some 10 or something years ago. It's a kind of space shooter game where you control a little white ship that looks like one of those tie fighters off star wars, and you have to move about each level in a maze of some shape and shoot down another ship that looks just like it. And when you shoot, it fires up down left and right.
If anyone knows the name of this old game or any info at all please tell me.
Thank you
Re: Tie fighter game
I found the game. it seems the only way to get it is on e-bay.Oh by the way the name of the game is "Tie Fighter".It is the first STAR WARS GAME;You know what that means...Yes it's old.I'm talking 93'94.the bidding starts at a wopping $0.01.good luckGuest wrote:Hi,
I'm looking for an old game I used to like that we had on our computer some 10 or something years ago. It's a kind of space shooter game where you control a little white ship that looks like one of those tie fighters off star wars, and you have to move about each level in a maze of some shape and shoot down another ship that looks just like it. And when you shoot, it fires up down left and right.
If anyone knows the name of this old game or any info at all please tell me.
Thank you