Forum for improving skills

Forum for all the suggestions that have 1. nothing to do with our two websites ( DosGamesArchive) and 2. are not bug reports.
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Forum for improving skills

Post by NeonAmd64 »

I think this forum would be important to improve team skills. For example programming software and hardware or even tools need some improvements. So this forum can polish the product in such a way. B)

The plan is as following:

1.This forum will accept any report or research about a problem
2.Then it will be discussed among the members.
3.Therefore, different answers will be posted. :)

This will lead to benefit all types of people. :) Beside that it is documented in the dos games forum. [so I think it is copyrighted, isn’t it?]

I am happy to hear any point of view.
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Post by CPT Worm »

Teamwork over the internet never works. Well, when combining forces from a DOS gaming forum.
There's not too much cohesion between us.
There's not that many regular members.
We all don't have much technical skill.

Now, if this were a programming forum or a forum devoted to product improvement, this would be much different of course.
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Post by Kazer0 »

So basically you want a forum where we answer your homework for you? No.
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Post by NeonAmd64 »

kaser0.0 ....

I think you must ask what skills do I have before you put the argument.
And I don't think that I need help in any way. :huh: but at least I don’t want to keep the knowledge to myself. B)

Do you understand what I am saying.. feel better. :)

Helping people with what I have, make me happy.

...I am waiting for dosraider to join in.
I am living in a black metal and I hope I die for a principle. And of course you still don't know me….
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Post by Kazer0 »

NeonAmd64 wrote:kaser0.0 ....
Who the fuck is that?
I think you must ask what skills do I have before you put the argument.
Not english speaking ones obviously.
And I don't think that I need help in any way. :huh: but at least I don’t want to keep the knowledge to myself. B)

A huh? If you dont need help, then whats the point. And is that a quote? The use of square brackets usually assumed that you edited a quote, but then again I cant think of anyone who would actually type something that half-asked.

Do you understand what I am saying.. feel better. :)

When you talk on a level higher than Wallys, then I might. But right now, you go on the Kazer0 Wall of Shame.
Helping people with what I have, make me happy.

...I am waiting for dosraider to join in.

... I think thats illegal.
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Post by Wally »

NeonAMD: I agree but this forum isnt one of the biggest forums on the internet.

I did suggest this to Dogbreath ages ago but i got the same message I sent you.
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Post by CPT Worm »

NeonAmd64 wrote:...I am waiting for dosraider to join in.
Well then, have fun.

If it's between you and another member, please keep it to PMs. If you have a worthwhile plan, then present it again.
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I am really sorry

Post by NeonAmd64 »

Ohh man what I had done ….. :o
I am really sorry for the style of writing the post. :shame:
I am really sorry… to
Mr. Worm to ignore his reply[Ireally didn't take attention to your reply].
and Kazer0 [really sorry about .0 when I write number I write it with decimal point and zero. If it is an integer value.]
Really I don’t have a style and I will never. [If you ask I will tell you why]
I thought it was just like an attack at my post because I don’t understand the conversation indirectly but I am trying to do so.
If replies are like those then I am closing this suggestion.
And I am sorry to bring this idea back. Thank you Wally*Won_Kenobie for your notice. :)
Every time I post I get flame and I can’t handle it. A Man like me of 27 years old can’t handle a conversation. :blah:
I am really a shamed. :shame:
I would rather write documents.
If it's between you and another member
I dosn't mean that you can't post a reply.[really sorry about ignorent][/quote]
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Post by Kazer0 »

Every time I post I get flame and I can’t handle it. A Man like me of 27 years old can’t handle a conversation.
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Post by Dogbreath »

Kazer0 wrote:
Every time I post I get flame and I can’t handle it. A Man like me of 27 years old can’t handle a conversation.
Not JMS. But Neon is a guy who honestly does have communication problems, and ones that really count as a disability, not just a personality trait. Treat him with more respect, guys, he may not be able to say what he's thinking very clearly, but he doesn't deserve to be flamed for it.
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Post by Wally »

Kazer0 I was thinking the same thing..

DB: remember he got his internet disconnected..

Otherwise DB has a good point :)
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Post by greenborn »

tom discussed this in the unmoderated topic forum yesterday...[size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size]
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