Old Commodore 64 Game
Old Commodore 64 Game
I don't know where I got this (I've had the zip file for years), but decided to try it. It's called Eminer (or, Emerald Miner), and is for the old Commodore 64.
When I first start it, I get a blue screen which says:
LOAD "*", 8, 1
(then the game starts)
I didn't think it would run at all, but it runs surprisingly well. However, I can't save a game in progress or save scores (it just ends, closes, and I end up at my desktop). Same happens, sometimes, while in play (just closes). Since it's such an old game, and made for the C64, there may not be anything I can do. Still, I thought I'd ask if anyone has any ideas on how to get this thing to save games and scores, and not stop suddenly (it doesn't suddenly stop all the time....only sometimes). Thanks in advance for any thoughts.....
When I first start it, I get a blue screen which says:
LOAD "*", 8, 1
(then the game starts)
I didn't think it would run at all, but it runs surprisingly well. However, I can't save a game in progress or save scores (it just ends, closes, and I end up at my desktop). Same happens, sometimes, while in play (just closes). Since it's such an old game, and made for the C64, there may not be anything I can do. Still, I thought I'd ask if anyone has any ideas on how to get this thing to save games and scores, and not stop suddenly (it doesn't suddenly stop all the time....only sometimes). Thanks in advance for any thoughts.....
CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
You give very few info about the file or your gamingsystem, is it an original C64 one ? (*.d64 format?) or is it directly run (ported) in Windows? Do you use an emulator?
If you have the original C64 (or VIC**) files give that one a look:
Vice runs most 8 bit games from that times pretty good.
If you like such games google for C64 or amiga games sites, plenty of them.
If you have the original C64 (or VIC**) files give that one a look:
Vice runs most 8 bit games from that times pretty good.
If you like such games google for C64 or amiga games sites, plenty of them.
Thanks for the reply, dosraider. Sorry for the lack of info, but to be honest I'm not an advanced user. As for my gaming system, I posted in my signature what I thought was enough, but maybe there's more I should find out and post with it? I do have Belarc Advisor, and can get more info....I'm just not sure what to look for.dosraider wrote:You give very few info about the file or your gamingsystem, is it an original C64 one ? (*.d64 format?) or is it directly run (ported) in Windows? Do you use an emulator?
I'll have a look at the game properties and see if it says anything about *.d64 format.
I also have no idea what "directly run (ported) in Windows" means, so I can't answer that. I just unzipped it to C: drive, then clicked the icon for Eminer. It worked, so I used it.
As for an emulator, I have a vague idea what it is (supposed to emulate a different system), but have no idea how to use one. So far, all I've done is try a game on my computer. If it works, I use it. If not, I just uninstall it.
Sorry for the lack of knowledge, but I'm 60 and have only had a computer for around 7 years. When I first got one, I didn't even know how to turn it on (and didn't know what the internet is...lol). I've spent some time in learning basic internet security, but have done virtually nothing with DOS. So, if there's nothing obvious (or, a "quick fix"), I'm better off just to leave it alone. Still, I do have several DOS games which run pretty good (old arcade stuff, mostly), and I do use them periodically.
Anyway, thanks for the reply. Hope this explains why I didn't post enough info (just don't know it, or don't know what to post).
All the best....mystified
CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Ported to windows means older games who only run originally on other systems ( Amiga-C64-c128-whatever) are modified to run directly in windows.
For the C64 the main file was named *.d64 (the * means whatever.d64)
An emulator is a program who creates an virtual older gamemachine and translate it so that the old games can run in windows.
That's what VICE does for several systems, also for the C64.
Here you have a pic of VICE running the original Bruce Lee game on my PC:

(click on the pic to enlarge)
You find VICE here:
Looking at your system specs that's the one you need if you want to give it a try:
Binary for MS-Windows 32bit (Pentium-optimized): WinVICE-1.20.zip
Simply unzip the whole thing in a folder and run the X64.exe, no install needed.
You will see that there are different other *.exe, for every system that VICE can emulate.
Open "SETTINGS" -> "JOYSTICK" and choose your keysettings there, I usually use the #1 numpad settings.
To run a C64 game you will need the game files, you can find them for download on different sites with a bit of googling around. Always take the 'disk' files or IMAGE.
To start up a game open 'FILE' and 'ATTACH DISK IMAGE', point where you saved your game image.
If you use the 'disk files' point to the *.d64 file.
VICE is very easy in use, you don't need to know much about it to be able to play the good ol'com 64 or 128 games in it.
You can 'SAVE STATE' in it, that will also save the game for you.
I would say give it a try, it's worth it if you like those game.
For the C64 the main file was named *.d64 (the * means whatever.d64)
An emulator is a program who creates an virtual older gamemachine and translate it so that the old games can run in windows.
That's what VICE does for several systems, also for the C64.
Here you have a pic of VICE running the original Bruce Lee game on my PC:

(click on the pic to enlarge)
You find VICE here:
Looking at your system specs that's the one you need if you want to give it a try:
Binary for MS-Windows 32bit (Pentium-optimized): WinVICE-1.20.zip
Simply unzip the whole thing in a folder and run the X64.exe, no install needed.
You will see that there are different other *.exe, for every system that VICE can emulate.
Open "SETTINGS" -> "JOYSTICK" and choose your keysettings there, I usually use the #1 numpad settings.
To run a C64 game you will need the game files, you can find them for download on different sites with a bit of googling around. Always take the 'disk' files or IMAGE.
To start up a game open 'FILE' and 'ATTACH DISK IMAGE', point where you saved your game image.
If you use the 'disk files' point to the *.d64 file.
VICE is very easy in use, you don't need to know much about it to be able to play the good ol'com 64 or 128 games in it.
You can 'SAVE STATE' in it, that will also save the game for you.
I would say give it a try, it's worth it if you like those game.
Thanks so much for the quick answer, dosraider....much appreciated.
I've copied your reply and saved it to my hard drive for reference. I'll give this stuff a try.
All the best....mystified

All the best....mystified
CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
I downloaded the VICE file, and it seems to be really good. I can see where it should work great. However, when I try to open EMiner in it, I get an error message saying "Cannot attach specified file." I'm not sure how to do this, but have uploaded a pic of the EMiner properties to my Photobucket account. Don't know if it will tell you anything, but if you'd care to have a look it is at http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/ ... erties.jpg (you may have to move the mouse cursor over the pic and click the box that appears bottom right to get it to full-size)
Maybe it's the wrong kind of file for VICE? Anyhow, thanks for any thoughts....
Maybe it's the wrong kind of file for VICE? Anyhow, thanks for any thoughts....
CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
That is not a C64 file. It's a ported to DOS gamesfile, not suited to run in VICE.
There are several more file extensions that will work in VICE, *.P00 also to name one. If you want to find files/games runable in VICE google C64+games+downloads and you will find many sites who host such files, also for C128 ... etcetera... .
If you are not sure how to mount and run the file in VICE there is always the option to let VICE decide (if possible) how to mount/run :
Open "FILE"
browse where you have stored the file and point to it.
If VICE can it will mount and run it automaticilly ( as mentioned ).
In your VICE folder there are (empty) subfolders called C64, C128 and so on, use those to unzip the downloaded games in it, give each game his own subfolder so that they don't overwrite files.
* * * * * *
You could also give Crystal Caves a go, a dosgame, but it should also run directly on your W98SE (it does on my ol'98PC).
There are several more file extensions that will work in VICE, *.P00 also to name one. If you want to find files/games runable in VICE google C64+games+downloads and you will find many sites who host such files, also for C128 ... etcetera... .
If you are not sure how to mount and run the file in VICE there is always the option to let VICE decide (if possible) how to mount/run :
Open "FILE"
browse where you have stored the file and point to it.
If VICE can it will mount and run it automaticilly ( as mentioned ).
In your VICE folder there are (empty) subfolders called C64, C128 and so on, use those to unzip the downloaded games in it, give each game his own subfolder so that they don't overwrite files.
* * * * * *
You could also give Crystal Caves a go, a dosgame, but it should also run directly on your W98SE (it does on my ol'98PC).
Thanks so much for the tips, dosraider, and for taking the time to post these things in detail. It should really help.
I just went to the site you gave the link to, and downloaded several games.....should keep me busy for awhile 

CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
- Larry Laffer
- Admin
- Posts: 4143
- Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:06 am
- Location: Romania
heh.. it just so happens that the site Dosraider gave you the link to and is the same site that hosts/owns this forum... www.dosgames.com 
Just thought I'd point that out

Just thought I'd point that out

ModBot™ - Faster than the speed of spam!(and always taking it to where it belongs!)
</center>abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.
ModBot™ - Faster than the speed of spam!(and always taking it to where it belongs!)
I've been messing with this as I have time, and am getting closer. I also found and downloaded the Emerald Miner.d64 file and saved it as you said (the c64 folder in WinVice). When I try to autostart, I get an error window (VICE CPU JAM). I'm not sure what it means to start monitor. I tried and it opened another window, but didn't do anything, so I did the screenshot and came back here.
Screenshot is here http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/ ... enshot.jpg Is there something else I can do? Thanks for your patience with this, by the way
Screenshot is here http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/ ... enshot.jpg Is there something else I can do? Thanks for your patience with this, by the way

CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
That screen indicates that the basic.vpl file isn't suited for emerald miner.
You got me intrigued by this eminer so i looked up for the game, found it and got the same error.
Got it to run in VICE by :
First go to FILE->autostart disk/image -> all files*.*->map C64-> double click on C64S.VPL -> you will get a soft restart and a 'detached device # -> go back to FILE -> autostart -> and double click on emerald miner.d64.
That works on my VICE, funny game btw.

Reminds me some kind of heartlight, you could imagine eminer being the ancestor of heartlight.
You find that one on this page, maybe you will like it, runs also fine on my ol'98 rig:
You got me intrigued by this eminer so i looked up for the game, found it and got the same error.
Got it to run in VICE by :
First go to FILE->autostart disk/image -> all files*.*->map C64-> double click on C64S.VPL -> you will get a soft restart and a 'detached device # -> go back to FILE -> autostart -> and double click on emerald miner.d64.
That works on my VICE, funny game btw.

Reminds me some kind of heartlight, you could imagine eminer being the ancestor of heartlight.
You find that one on this page, maybe you will like it, runs also fine on my ol'98 rig:
Hmmm....this is getting interesting. I downloaded it fresh, as I said. When I opened it, I had the same one you showed the screen pics of.....but NOT the one I've already got. Apparently, there are two of them out there in internetland.
The one I've got is actually called "Emerald Miner," but I've seen it also called "EMiner." I think what we both got today is a clone, or just a different version.
The one I've already got looks similar to your screenshots, but the action is totally different. In mine, you're a miner digging through various levels and accumulating emeralds and other gems. As you get enough money, you have to go back to "Sam's Store" and purchase more supplies. If you don't have enough money, you have to go back and mine some more. For instance, if you run out of air and haven't bought any oxygen tanks, you're finished. Same with the levels with water (if they start filling up and you haven't bought a water pump, it's all over when the water reaches you). Besides that, your basic drilling tool is a jackhammer, but it's kinda slow. However, if you save enough gem money you can buy tempered or carbide tips, which cut much faster. You can also buy a super charge (dynamite) which will blast through a lot at once (better run fast, though, or it'll get you after you light it). To get to the next level, you have to buy a base camp from Sam, then set it up at the bottom of the level you're on.......and so forth.
Anyway, not the one we both downloaded today. To be honest, I'd think mine doesn't have a "Save Game" option, except it does sometimes say to hit F2 to save (never gives any indication of how to open a previously-saved game, though). It also isn't keeping track of high scores, and I can't find any kind of menu for any of this. I guess for now I just have to start over each time and see how far I can go, although I do wish it would track the high scores.
I don't know if it would help, or if I even can, but I'll ask if it would help if I were to email the zipped file I have (I've never tried any of this, so don't know if I even can do that). It's not a "pirated" thing.....it was free when I got it. Just been so many years that I don't remember where that was.
Also, I attached a link for a couple of screenshots of the one I've got (it doesn't have those "baddies" chasing you around). It's at http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/ ... nshots.jpg
If any more info I can give, just post.....I'll check back later this evening or tomorrow morning.
**EDIT** I forgot to post part of the Readme....don't know if it'll tell you anything or not, but here it is:
You are Chuck Stone, sole nephew of Uncle Chip Stone, and you have inherited a strange
lease granting you mineral rights to excavate and remove precious gemstones from a
legendary mine called "The Emerald Mountain". Uncle Chip has vanished within the mines
and without a trace. Was he lost in a Cave In? Did he blow himself up? Or did Noxious
Gas choke him in some long forgotten grotto? Only you will find out for sure! Can you
save Uncle Stone before it's too late?
Technical Details:
This game is our entry for the BlitzCoder.com 8bit Retro competition. Game entries were
limited to DirectX 2D, 320x240 resolution, limited 16 color palette, 128Kb uncompressed
graphics, etc.
Emerald Miner was originally conceived for play on the Commodore Vic 20. It consisted
of something like 36 lines of code and used altered character maps for its graphics source.
It next found life on the Atari 800-XL where it grew into using more advanced graphics,
sounds, levels, high scores, and joystick usage. This was back in the very early 1980's.
This PC remake is was written using Blitz Basic.
The one I've got is actually called "Emerald Miner," but I've seen it also called "EMiner." I think what we both got today is a clone, or just a different version.
The one I've already got looks similar to your screenshots, but the action is totally different. In mine, you're a miner digging through various levels and accumulating emeralds and other gems. As you get enough money, you have to go back to "Sam's Store" and purchase more supplies. If you don't have enough money, you have to go back and mine some more. For instance, if you run out of air and haven't bought any oxygen tanks, you're finished. Same with the levels with water (if they start filling up and you haven't bought a water pump, it's all over when the water reaches you). Besides that, your basic drilling tool is a jackhammer, but it's kinda slow. However, if you save enough gem money you can buy tempered or carbide tips, which cut much faster. You can also buy a super charge (dynamite) which will blast through a lot at once (better run fast, though, or it'll get you after you light it). To get to the next level, you have to buy a base camp from Sam, then set it up at the bottom of the level you're on.......and so forth.
Anyway, not the one we both downloaded today. To be honest, I'd think mine doesn't have a "Save Game" option, except it does sometimes say to hit F2 to save (never gives any indication of how to open a previously-saved game, though). It also isn't keeping track of high scores, and I can't find any kind of menu for any of this. I guess for now I just have to start over each time and see how far I can go, although I do wish it would track the high scores.
I don't know if it would help, or if I even can, but I'll ask if it would help if I were to email the zipped file I have (I've never tried any of this, so don't know if I even can do that). It's not a "pirated" thing.....it was free when I got it. Just been so many years that I don't remember where that was.
Also, I attached a link for a couple of screenshots of the one I've got (it doesn't have those "baddies" chasing you around). It's at http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/ ... nshots.jpg
If any more info I can give, just post.....I'll check back later this evening or tomorrow morning.
**EDIT** I forgot to post part of the Readme....don't know if it'll tell you anything or not, but here it is:
You are Chuck Stone, sole nephew of Uncle Chip Stone, and you have inherited a strange
lease granting you mineral rights to excavate and remove precious gemstones from a
legendary mine called "The Emerald Mountain". Uncle Chip has vanished within the mines
and without a trace. Was he lost in a Cave In? Did he blow himself up? Or did Noxious
Gas choke him in some long forgotten grotto? Only you will find out for sure! Can you
save Uncle Stone before it's too late?
Technical Details:
This game is our entry for the BlitzCoder.com 8bit Retro competition. Game entries were
limited to DirectX 2D, 320x240 resolution, limited 16 color palette, 128Kb uncompressed
graphics, etc.
Emerald Miner was originally conceived for play on the Commodore Vic 20. It consisted
of something like 36 lines of code and used altered character maps for its graphics source.
It next found life on the Atari 800-XL where it grew into using more advanced graphics,
sounds, levels, high scores, and joystick usage. This was back in the very early 1980's.
This PC remake is was written using Blitz Basic.
CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Found your version at Hotu. They made a nice remake of Eminer.mystified wrote: To get to the next level, you have to buy a base camp from Sam, then set it up at the bottom of the level you're on.......and so forth......
To be honest, I'd think mine doesn't have a "Save Game" option, except it does sometimes say to hit F2 to save (never gives any indication of how to open a previously-saved game, though).
About save/load:
I think you only can save between levels, that's when you set up a basecamp.
There you get a (short) message : "PRESS F2 TO SAVE", if you press F2 then, now yes, it will save your progress. Every time you set up a basecamp you can save, whilst old savegames are overwritten. In fact you have to 'buy' the save game possibility, funny idea.
To load the last saved game: (when chuck dies)
In your start screen hit F2 t'll you see 'load' instead of the game difficulty (easy-norm-hard), hit space and your last saved game loads. As far as I can see you can only load the last saved game, you can't go back to an earlier stage.
The high scores:
You will get the possibility to enter your name and will be showed in the high scores if you will play well enough to rise your score

If your version of the remake is crippled and can't save or load (that happens sometimes) here you can down the working one:
Forgot to mention that when you exit the game the save game is lost.
But you always can use the PC 'standby' shutdown if you are feeling sleepy and don't want to loose your progress.
Thanks for the assist(s) dosraider. Much appreciated. It's running pretty good now, and the save feature does work (such as it is.....loading a saved game also deletes that saved game, so it can only be reloaded once). Still, I've made it as far as level 8 now. Anyhow, I guess we can put this thread to rest. Just wanted to say thanks for your help and for hanging in there.
All the best....Larry
All the best....Larry
CPU -- AMD Athlon 700 MHz
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE
Memory -- 256 MB SDRAM
HDD -- WD 80 GB
Video -- Radeon 7500
Audio -- Philips PSC703
O/S -- W98SE