Hugo 2 please help
Hugo 2 please help
this is dumb, but i cant get him to move past the maid and upstairs. ive tried typing everything i could think of (it just befuddles him,lol). This is the very first thing u do. help
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- Posts: 64
- Joined: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:53 pm
Ok what do you mean exactly by move by the maid? You don't want to sneak around behind the maid you do want to get up to your room. There are the odd place here and there in the game where you basically need to mash or really fast type all at once the arrow keys. I've gotten stuck in the very same place and I go back and forth as fast as possible between the left, then the down, then the right arrow and back again. If that's not exactly what you were asking then can you clarify a bit?