F-keys on DosBox

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F-keys on DosBox

Post by Wailing »


I'm a new user of DosBox and I have a problem with a game named Bumpy. When I start the game, there are two options from which I should choose by pressing F2 or F3 before I get further. However, these keys do not work (none of the F-keys do).

I also tried to play Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, but you need to press F5 to save the game so...

Any ideas how to get those keys working or other solutions?
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Post by dosraider »

Isn't there a 'lock' key on your keyboard to switch the F keys on/off?
Usually called 'Fn'.

If not , open your dosboxshortcut(richtclick) and click opn properties,
add -startmapper on the start command. (you can run the startmapper in dosbox by pressing CTRL+F1, but as your F ....)
It will start up with that program, you can allocate another key to the F keys you need ingame.

Example: C:\program files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe -startmapper

The program works with your mouse, pretty easy to use.

More explaination if needed:
http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/wiki/inde ... =KeyMapper
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Post by Wailing »

Well, I tried to type -startmapper as a command in DOSBox, but there's a slight problem here too... I don't know if it is because my keyboard is european/finnish or something, but when I try to type different kinds of special marks (?, #, < etc.) there comes a different mark than what I chose. So for example, when I try to do "<", there will appear "\" instead. I have tried every key to make "-" for the command, but it doesn't seem to exist.

(at least I found ":", which is under letter Ö)

I hope my explanation is understandable.
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Post by dosraider »

Wait a sec.
And another one ;)

You do NOT type -startmapper in dosbox.
You RIGHTCLICK on the SHORTCUT => properties
and alter the program line
c:\program files\dosbox-0.70\dosbox. exe
c:\program files\dosbox-0.70\dosbox. exe -startmapper

Then you run dosbox, it will start up automatically in keymapper.

BTW: that run comm is the original, if yours is different simply add -startmapper at the end of it.

Oh yes, I have a pic from a standard US keyboard somewhere, from another abandonware site, can help you find out the keysetting in dosbox,


keyb SU
at the dosboxprompt, that should give you a Finnish keyboard layout in dosbox.
http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/wiki/inde ... oardLayout

That keyb SU seems to work, when I input that at the prompt I get the weirdiest keyboard respons I've ever seen. Must be Finnish (or Chinese).
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Post by Wailing »

Thanks, that "keyb SU" command really worked. Now back to that mapper...

Edit: Okay, no problem anymore, I was just a little too stupid to understand your advices at first.;) Thank you very much, now I'll try to use the mapper for those bloody F-keys as that "keyb SU" command didn't work on them yet.
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Post by dosraider »

You're welcome.
And you only must remap the F keys you really need ingame, not such a big deal afterall.

Good gaming ;)
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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