We should start a petition! "Release DNF before Dosraider dies of old age, oh please please please! We really want him to play it!"
By the way, do we know if Ken Silverman is still working with 3D-Realms? He's something of a hero of mine (if you can't tell from the avatar) and I'm curious how much of the new engine he had a part in. (if any at all)
I don't know if K.Silverman is still working on that project.
I know he has a place@JonoF's site under advsys.net/ken, but I'm a lazy reader.
You probably know 'bout that, but for others that didn't know: http://www.jonof.id.au/forum/
And of course his webpage: http://advsys.net/ken/default.htm
He created great things for the gamers.
The interviews make it sound like unfortunately Ken isn't working on anything gaming related and doesn't plan to:
I'll push my luck. What's next for Ken Silverman? If I told you, I would have to kill you! Actually, not much. I don't think I'll be re-entering the gaming scene anytime soon.
Edit: lol ... good quote:
Around March of 1993, id Software released a set of alpha screenshots of DOOM. That's about when I started to work on Build. ... DOOM had an impressive list of features. I decided to start with angled walls with a little prototype I wrote in QuickBasic (named PICROT).
Owner / Webmaster of DOSGames.com for over 20 years
There isn't a fight, gamemaster1. And if there was one I wouldn't be part of it. There is enough empty space on TeH internet, we can all live happilly together.
And it's almost Christmas, peacefull thoughts is what we need.
@#&@#§@# wait t'll 2008
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
gamemaster1 wrote:the fight continues and who will win. i believe in you dos raider. we can do it. more people, more advertisement and more networking
Er, don't take this the wrong way, but... who the heck are you? You've had 4 posts here and they've all been very random... no introduction, or typical post, just jumping right into a conversation like you know the people in it. Not that it's bad, it's just strange... do you go on #dosgames irc a lot? I don't have the time, usually, so maybe you know everyone from there or something.