Changing to <<C>>"
I type KKND and it says illegal command

wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
[Echo mode]The Undertaker wrote: I think I did ok the thing with the mounting and managed to install the game. However, the thing which confuses me is that in my directory where my DOSbox installed the game, there are only 2 kknd files with the size of 38 and 338 bytes (maybe this is irrelevant but nvm). Could it be that it didnt install the game as it should? What should I try?
[/Echo mode]dosraider wrote:........blablabla
If not: you screwed up.
Impossible to tell you without detailled info.
All your mount lines.
All you did t'll now, exactly, all your inputs and so on and so on.....
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
Getting this after the install is a bad thing. Something went completely wrong, the KKND folder is the first thing the install program should have created.The Undertaker wrote: C:\>cd kknd
Unable to change to: kknd.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
Code: Select all
Directory of D:\.
. <DIR> 17-02-1997 14:38
.. <DIR> 17-02-1997 14:38
AUTORUN INF 46 01-02-1997 13:54
DETAL EXE 26,624 18-11-1996 14:51
HMIDET 386 83,774 09-03-1995 10:43
HMIDRV 386 317,317 09-03-1995 10:42
INSTALL EXE 1,224,429 26-11-1996 21:58
INSTALL ICO 766 15-11-1996 1:00
INSTALL PIF 967 19-11-1996 18:12
KKND <DIR> 17-02-1997 14:38
README TXT 6,980 04-02-1997 8:57
UVCONFIG EXE 269,682 19-08-1996 17:44
9 File(s) 1,930,585 Bytes.
3 Dir(s) 0 Bytes free.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
If you have this under [autoexec] it's needless to retype it on the prompt.dosraider wrote: [autoexec]
mount c c:\games
mount d h:\ -t cdrom
NOT with the run command, don't run dosgames that way, even if some do.dosraider wrote: To run your game:
cd kknd
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.