I finally downloaded doom and the dosbox (at least it appears that way)
So I unzip doom click the install and the imfamous little black box pops up but only for a split second.. not hardly enough time to see anything or do anything....
I just want to play the bloody game.
ALSO:(more info) the total files in the doom folder were
install.bat (not exe??)
Still problems?
Give more details.
All your mount lines, OS? ........
yea yea yea
i already did that.
thats what i meant i guess i should have been clear about that.
what happens is it says illegal action to everything and says cannot delete doom_19
which i dont get..
and i read through all of that (XP) but i dont get it. yes I know im a freaking moron when it comes to computers, Im not going to pretend im not. this is why im here.
sugarcreamcandy wrote:
wardrich wrote:Why not just download zdoom or skulltag?
whats that?
Im new to all this btw "/.
I wouldnt be here if me mum didnt toss my 64 when i moved out.