how high is your tolerance with troublesome games?

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how high is your tolerance with troublesome games?

Post by rat-pizza »

Lets face it, we all know that DOS-games can be a nightmare to even get running (and some newer games to) :blah:

Sometimes I think I must be crazy spending so much time getting those suckers to run om my system but heck, someone,s gotta do it.(':D')

How long do you spend tweaking an old game before you give up? And what,s most rewarding, being able to finally play or the feeling that you beat the system?
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Post by Wally »

Geeks / Nerds - Feeling you beat the system (dosraider :laugh: )

It all depends on what game it is, i'll only do it for a game I haven't played for ages and I want to play again. These days Dosbox is much less of a challenge, heck i remember when it wouldn't even load Windows 3.11

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Re: how high is your tolerance with troublesome games?

Post by dosraider »

rat-pizza wrote:Lets face it, we all know that DOS-games can be a nightmare to even get running (and some newer games to) :blah:
ORLY? You must be joking, that or it says much about your computer skills.

99% of the dosgames run without problems.
0.5% gives some trouble.
0.4% that are 'a pain in the arse' run usually within 10 minutes.
Leaves a 0.1% that ask a bit more to get running, I usually spend the time that's needed to get those running, if I want to try them. If I don't want to try them, there is no need to spend even 1 second on them, isn't it?

Heck, I even can remember the times we didn't had dosbox. :laugh:

Heck, I even can remember the times when we didn't had Windows. :laugh:

Heck I even can remember times when we didn't had Dos. :laugh:

Heck I even can remember times when we even didn't had computers. :laugh:
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Post by Dogbreath »

...or cars, or electric lighting, or steam power, or bathing...
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Post by Larry Laffer »

...or wheels, or fire, or wheels on fire...

And there's no game I can think of that I'd consider as being troublesome to play. Well, none that I'd want to play anyway...

Now, the thing that annoys me about games(online game usually) is kids. On the internet.

Immature people too!
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Re: how high is your tolerance with troublesome games?

Post by rat-pizza »

dosraider wrote:
rat-pizza wrote:Lets face it, we all know that DOS-games can be a nightmare to even get running (and some newer games to) :blah:
ORLY? You must be joking, that or it says much about your computer skills.

Alright, I admit i might have exaggerated a little when i said "nightmare". And no, my computer-skills may not be the best in the world. But Dos-games are often trickier than new games to get running. Todays games pretty much installs themselves while dos-games mostly requires the user to set up the configurations themselves. I actually do not use dos-box myself but run the oldies on my stationary computer with a windows 98-os which still has pure dos-mode.

Also my definition of troublesome meant not only problems to get the games running in the first place but also other problems, such as annoying bugs, problems with sound. (this was often a typical problem with dos-games)

But as i said, new games aren,t perfect either. Some games really strain your patience to the limit even if they are good otherwise. :angry:
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Post by dosraider »

Yeah sure, newer games have lesser bugs.

.... that's why they release patch after patch after patch after patch ....
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Post by rat-pizza »

I,m not saying that new games have fewer bugs. (Fallout 2, for example, was so bugged that it was impossible to play without the patch)

I guess my original question should apply both to new and old games. In the end though, I guess we have to live with the fact that PC-games probably never can become as stable as gaming consoles.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Riiiight! Console games NEVER have bugs, glitches, crappy fps and lag.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by dosraider »


wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by rat-pizza »

Larry Laffer wrote:Riiiight! Console games NEVER have bugs, glitches, crappy fps and lag.

Alright, perhaps it wasn,t so smart of me to use console-games as an example since i have very limited experience with these. I can admit my faults. :shame:
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Post by dosraider »

wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Few boot ups. Able to play. If bugs doesn't hamper playin' and there's almost allways the Beeper.
NO Windows, NO DOSBox, DOS!
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Oh, and about console games' online play mode lag:

If with computer games you can 98% of the time blame the client's/server's connection for the lag, on console games, roughly 70% of the time it's the way the game is coded that causes the lag.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Wally »

Larry Laffer wrote:Riiiight! Console games NEVER have bugs, glitches, crappy fps and lag.
uhh yes they do..

It all started from Master System and Alex Kidd, Try punching a block halfway across the screen underwater then yeah. you have to start all over again.

Also try Golden Eye 64 with a heap of proximity mines then blow them all up.

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Post by dosraider »

Me has lolz, plenty lolz.
Was kinda predictable those reactions here on DGF, it ain't the first time someone starts such topic here.

Don't take it too bad, rat-pizza, afterall you're on a Dosgames forum, not on

Honnestly said, consoles have some advantages over PC gaming.
It's only a shame that so much console games are .... dull.
Uninteresting even.
Same goes for many 'modern' PC games.

No? Even their advertising:
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Wally*Won_Kenobie wrote:
Larry Laffer wrote:Riiiight! Console games NEVER have bugs, glitches, crappy fps and lag.
uhh yes they do..

It all started from Master System and Alex Kidd, Try punching a block halfway across the screen underwater then yeah. you have to start all over again.

Also try Golden Eye 64 with a heap of proximity mines then blow them all up.

It's called sarcasm, Wally... :rolleyes:

edit: Here's one for you, I just downloaded On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One(the Penny Arcade game) demo, thinking it won't be any problem getting it to run.

Now, 'course after the ridiculously lengthy install process, I run the game and it claims it can't be run cause I lack OpenGL 1.2... Right! I'll pass this one, can't even be bothered to bother trying to get it working.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by lakerzz8 »

^^^^^I'm pretty sure Larry was being sarcastic... :clap:
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