'Fraid I'm not that impressed by the trailer/gameplay footage...
I mean, where's my "Ohnoes, no more potions!"? Now if I can just take "shiny red orbs" that "dead creatures drop" to replenish my health... nah... too arcade for my taste.
But hey! I'm always willing to kill Uber Diablo!
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.
ModBot™ - Faster than the speed of spam!(and always taking it to where it belongs!)
dosraider wrote:Have my doubts about this one ..... -_-
Looks as it's a console gameplay thing.
Doesn't giggle at all, nope.
It's not even coming to the consoles.
"I don't know yet. A lot of it depends on whether we think the gameplay experience will be the same on console, especially regarding the controls. Also I'd like to keep our audience together. One question mark I have is whether the console owners would allow PC players to play against console gamers. I think the answer gets a lot easier if the console owners say yes. But at the moment they do like to have closed systems. But you know, I think what it really it comes down to is the game itself. We want to deliver what is the best experience possible so the controls and everything else have to be perfect. When you are developing for multiple platforms you sometimes have to compromise. We aren't willing to compromise. We have relationships with all the console manufacturers. I know they would love to have us on their platforms, ideally on their own and not their competitor! But it's all about the game experience."
[sub]Not yet anyway[/sub], but as you can see it's being developed for the pc primaraly.
Hi all ( again) Long since i'v wrote here by some reason....
I think DIABLO III looks awsome. We must w8 1½ year to play it since the release is 2009 ( probably winter). The trailer looks nice anyway. Probably not good as a good DOS-game, but we can't really demand that......