Hyperspeed - fighting the Vorc

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Hyperspeed - fighting the Vorc

Post by legraf »

I've been rediscovering Microprose's beautiful Hyperspeed, and I'm having a problem in the third cluster.

When fighting a Vorc starbase, I can do no damage. My Trailblazer gets caught & held in some sort of tractor beam before I can get my main gun in range. I can destroy the little blue "lid" on the starbase with a fighter, but it accomplishes nothing. No kamikazes or missles can reach the starbase.

Is there any help, am I missing something obvious? Should I just ignore the Vorc, and so never free the Moon Chi? Frustrating.

Thanks for any advice.
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Post by legraf »

Just "bumping" this, in case any new eyes can help. I've left my game paused for half a year. :)
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Post by Wally »

maybe after half a year's frustration it'll work for you :p
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Hyperspeed - fighting the Vorc

Post by cowlinator »

There are 2 strategies, but they don't work 100% of the time, some luck is involved.

1) Keep sending out guided missiles periodically BEFORE the tractor beam gets you. The tractor beam will likely attach to the missile instead of your ship. You'll need good thrusters, and you'll need to time the missiles right, because you only have 10 missiles.

2) After your ship gets beamed, send out one kamikaze at a time, like you tried, but this time, instead of going straight for the base, you need to pilot them in a spiral toward the base. The base will shoot at the kamikaze, and you need to make sure that you are moving nearly parallel to the star base so the enemy shots can't hit the kamikaze. When you are close enough (you'll have to be very close), turn the kamikaze 90 degrees so that it's now going straight at the base, and collide.
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Hyperspeed - fighting the Vorc

Post by MrFlibble »

cowlinator, why did you take an avatar used by an administrator of this board?
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