I'm aware of the magic of PHP/SQL ... Play.vg is built with it after all.
It sounds simple when you say it that way, except for the fact that there's currently over 500 games listed on the site right now coded purely in HTML, no database, using somewhat standard but not really standard formatting. So, a lot of manual entry.
Also, looking back at my old database plan spec from the last time I thought about databasing (?!) the site, the GAMES table alone (besides the other req'd tables) had 30+ fields. Of course, that includes a few new features but if such an update were to happen I'd want to introduce at least SOME new stuff (to make the effort seem worth it).
I'd like to see a total update by Jan 09 (since that'll be the 10th anniversary of the site ... man I'm old) but judging from past results (and the fact that I have much LESS free time than I did in previous years) that's not extremely likely to happen.