Dogbreath wrote:Maybe this needs to be a PM discussion between you and dosraider?
Please, don't say such things. Next he's gonna ask if I have MSN .... *sigh*
Dogbreath wrote:Maybe this needs to be a PM discussion between you and dosraider?
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
Yes very very true. But then why are all Muslim names being questioned so much. My friend Basheer Ahmed had his visa rejected twice because of his name and now his agent advices him to change his name to something more Christian or even Hindu. One of his friends did and he got approval. It's extremely offensivedosraider wrote:Just as the muslim terrorists, they're also a minority.
Pretty simple to explain, it's a first line of triage, so to speak.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:Yes very very true. But then why are all Muslim names being questioned so much.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
If a racist punk from the West does something it means he is bad as an individual and does not involve in the whole country whatsoever. I fully agree with this.dosraider wrote:Pretty simple to explain, it's a first line of triage, so to speak.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:Yes very very true. But then why are all Muslim names being questioned so much.
In stead of complaining about those rules complain about the muslim terrorist, they are the cause of this all.
What's more: it's highly probable that's what they aim for.
The more shit in this world the more they like it.
The last thing they want is a stable, peaceful world.
They would deprive themselves of any reason of existing.
Terrorist, extremist groups -(remark: not only muslim ...)- flourish when shit is going on in the world.
Okay, typically I say, "A few bad apples ruin the basket." However, in this case, I can't say that. There are reasons why Muslim suffer humiliation: the religion is extremely oppressive.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:But why does every Muslim in the world (especially from the East) suffer humiliation and be questioned on and on just because some nutcase Bin Laden followers preaching bad Islamic beliefs crashed into the New York towers 8 years ago. Hmmm... doesn't sound fair does it. How'd you like it if it was the other way and people questioned your Christian name and asked if you had links with anyone because some random nut with YOUR name was doing bullshit elsewhere. wrote:An Afghan bill allowing a husband to starve his wife if she refuses to have sex has been published in the official gazette and become law.
The original bill caused outrage earlier this year, forcing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to withdraw it.
But critics say the amended version of the law remains highly repressive. ...
These are just two examples in the news in THE PAST 24 HOURS. I can dig deeper, but I'm not in the mood. wrote:Gay Iraqi men are being murdered in what appears to be a co-ordinated campaign involving militia forces, the group Human Rights Watch says.
It says hundreds of gay men have been targeted and killed in Iraq since 2004.
Not if he wants to see.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:Also to Dogbreath. Kids made fun of you because of something you wear like your glasses which you could just take off. Whereas kids made fun of my race and my color which I am born with and cannot change. There is a difference.
The US government does the same thing with Amerindians; it "Helps" them. Indian Reservations are hives of illiteracy, alcoholism, and sexual violence. In this case, the more you help a group, the more you hurt them.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:As for the caste system the government is slowly reducing it gradually but it first needs to hel the former victims of it in the past so the whole country is balanced out again.
You forget that the American Civil War was a very bitter and injuring conflict that took decades to heal. And being raised in a culture where whites were taught that black people were inferior means that oppression is going to keep happening. However, Michael Richards (Kramer) got the wrong end of the stick; those people were being assholes. "It's not racism if it's against white people." That's a bullshit double-standard.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:I agree there are end number of ignorant villages that still follow castes just as there were end number of ignorant white farmers in America that still wished black people were slaves even into the 1950's and 60's though black people were officially freed in Abraham Lincoln's time. Black boxers were refused their rights to the world titles, and many black artists were oppressed due to sheer jealousy and racism. Even recently the famous actor from Seinfeld Kramer got into problems saying very racist things about black people on some comedy show.
Yeah, remember that before criticizing American cultural values. Looks like India has another 40 years at least.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:Be it the Caste system, or racism we can't just eradicate anything overnight and some notions by people are altogether impossible to remove. It takes time sometimes generations.
Okay, pulling the Gandhi card is not cool. He did influence Martin Luther King, Jr. with the American civil rights movement in '50s and '60s. But "showing western people the way?" Something about that statement bothers me. "Westernization is bad!" and "Listen to Gandhi!" Hmm...seems kind of hypocritical to me.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:But even AFTER Indian independance in 1948 and Gandhi showing western people the way, did the mentalities of Western government change? Nope!
Yeah, it was a bad time. Most nations condemned it in the '80s, but before then, no one really knew about the conditions in South Africa. Sure, it had come up before in the UN, but the common person didn't have a clue.Santhosh CHRiS wrote:South Africa was legally following Apartheid until 1994 though it was started in 1948. LEGALLY following it as in the government was supporting it even in major cities not just tiny ignorant towns, until Nelson Mandela... again inspired by Gandhi's works freed his people from the tyranny of white people... till 1994??!!! That's barely 14 years ago!!! It's ridiculous and appalling