Wow, I just found this thread, and I must say that I'm impressed that such an intelligent discussion is being conducted here without resorting to the typical Internet stereotypical 'flaming' message board posts. Truly inspiring for those who still believe that the Internet should first and foremost be a forum for the free discussion of ideas, and only second as (it is now seemingly most used) as a marketplace for marketing, and pushing products.
As a recently converted Christian (I have not yet been baptised but plan to be next Christmas) this topic is naturally quite interesting to me.
I don't want to really get directly involved in this argument, since as a new Christian who is still struggling to understand some parts of the faith I don't want to be spouting half-baked answers as if I knew what I was talking about.

So, instead, please permit me to tell my story of how I came to have faith in God.
Ahem. *cracks knuckles*
I have spent most of my life up to this point as agnostic; ie, believing in a God of some sort, but not necessarily subscribing to any religion in particular, mostly for the reasons that Unknown_k has been pointing out in this thread, ex "My problem is that I think organized religion is a sham run by many people who have other motives or get lost in the power of their position."
Last September, shortly after moving back to school for yet another semester of rote learning funness

, I became depressed. This is/was not altogether unusual for me, I've had spells of depression throughout my life. For some reason though this time I decided that it was time to make some changes in my life. I wrote out a list of ways I wanted to improve myself, and how I planned to accomplish these changes. One of the ways I decided to try was to read the Bible.
Both my parents are Christian (one Catholic, the other United) but I had never been to church before; they both stopped attending church after they were married. The real antecedent to my decision to try reading the Bible was that I met some friends last year who are now very close to me who are Christian. I figured that if these people who are so wonderful so strongly believe in this religion, I might as well investigate it.
So, I got myself a copy of the Bible and started reading a chapter or two each night. I was reading by myself, you understand, because I didn't want to be influenced in my opinion one way or another (by my Christian friends or by my non-Christian friends, or my dad who is now somewhat anti-Christian.) As I read, I wrote down questions I had. In December I finally phoned my closest friend and started asking her all these questions I had written down. She was rather surprised with the abrupt call, as you could imagine, but tried to be helpful nonetheless.
Hmmm I think I'm being rather verbose here. I'll try to "cut to the chase" so to speak.
So anyways, I was becoming more and more convinced, due to my reading of the Bible, and some other books which dealt with some more intellectual discussion (I highly recommend both Christians and atheists alike check out "<A HREF=" ... 9307">Case for Christ</A>, a former atheist journalist's investigation into the evidence for the validity of the gospels and Jesus) ..... however I wasn't ready to make the final leap, to accept Christ ... to have faith! I wasn't really sure what was missing. Sure I had doubts (still do!) but that wasn't really the problem.
I decided in early January that I'd try attending a bi-weekly event on-campus called "Church in the Ring". It's basically a modern, easy-going church service held on the school campus on Sunday nights. I honestly didn't get much out of that service, but one thing the pastor said stuck with me. He mentioned how people have their "wow moment" with God, where they feel especially close to Him. It could happen in a church service, in private study, out walking around outside ... it depends on each particular person. I realized that THAT was what I was lacking; for all my reading, all my studying, I had never felt that way. I never had that feeling that God was close to me. That's what I needed.
So that night, I prayed ... I prayed really hard, to have that kind of close moment with God.
The next night I was reading my Bible as usual. I had had a tough day and was kinda tired, so I wasn't even really paying much attention to what I was reading. The Bible that I have is "The Student Bible (NRSV)", which includes some stories/quotes/explanations to complement the Bible text. I came to one of those stories (inbetween Mark 3 & 4) and started reading it ... here is that story, if you want to read it before continuing (if you aren't already bored with this post by now ... I believe this is the longest forum post I've ever made! ... I think it's still a great story though so I recommend reading it):
<A HREF=" ... shtml">Why Jesus?</A>
As I read that story I started to cry. Now, I am not one to cry often. In fact before that instance on January 13th of this year I cannot recall a specific instance where I previously cried. But I did that night, and it was took awhile before I was able to stop. I felt such a feeling of release, of total warmth and love that night. I had asked, and had received the very next night ... that was the night I was convinced.
Not to say that I didn't still have doubts. But I think that's okay. Every time I start to doubt, to lose faith, something always seems to happen to restore my faith.
I'm not trying to preach to anyone here. After all I was agnostic (and, I think, early in life, atheist) for the first 20-odd years of my life up to this point. I am very interested in the theoretical/intellectual debates around God, and will definitely continue my study and reading of both the Bible, and books about Christianity and faith. I'm merely presenting my story.
So, errrrm ...... thats my story!